Game on tonight, anyone?


Staff member
So, after AGES of troublesome hardware, I have finally got a functioning (and decent) gaming rig. Problem is, I don't have nearly as much time for gaming as I would like. But! Tonight I have free time (until 22-23 gmt+1)! So, here's a shout out for everyone: Will there be any games played tonight? and if so, which ones (since I'll need to install/update any eventual games)? WoW and BF2142 doesn't count ;P

Ronin Storm

Staff member
Play Finder would seem to indicate that BF2 and CS Source should be good games to get people's attention.

I'm not available this evening, though.


Junior Administrator
Staff member
Why not try out the Quake Wars demo it is really good. It would be good if we could get a few people all together to try it out.

I'll be on tonight as well Doc so if you fancy some of that or BF2 or CS:S or something give me a holler.