Game Tag icons


Junior Administrator
Ronin, i was thinking.... ( yes dangerous i know :D )

In players profiles there is the option to divulge thier precious Xfire gamer tag.

Also in players profiles there is the ICQ, AIM, and MSN accounts,

and so i put forth, is there no way to include a new page, much like that of the MSN one, for the xfire tag ?
so that It appears as the xfire symbol in each post the user makes, just like that of the MSN icon,

so it opens a new window when you click on it, that allows you to add them as a freind in xfire


Ronin Storm

Staff member
There is, but the good hacks for that appear to be for vBulletin 3.5.x, not 3.6.x... if I get chance I'll see if can hack a modification to one of them to upgrade it for our board. It's not very high priority for me, though.


Junior Administrator
Im not surprised ;) , its just a little bonus, i just think it may make things easier for people whom may be new to the forum and don't know where to get ahold of person XYZ xfire ( without specificly posting and asking for it )