Games you grew up with.


In Cryo Sleep
Just a small question, but what's the game you guys actually grew up with?

I started gaming on a N64 with Zelda, F-zero x and stuff like that, oh those F-zero themes where catchy.
First actual game on the pc was Runescape, i was young back then. Couldn't make up anything better. after that i got WC 3 n frozen throne.

Games i play now are TF2, WoW, PvKII (a mod) and Fallout 3.

Now, what games you grew up with? (if you grew up at all).


Junior Administrator
I first played Tetris and pacman (still 2 of my favourite games) at my dads work in the Portsmouth dockyard.

Console wise I started on duck hunter (I think that was it's name on the NES) and sonic around the same time at my uncles house.

Then a few yrs later around at a mates got into F-zero mario kart and goldeneye on the N64. EPIC games. And games that I still think are a lot of fun to play today.

I then got a playstation when I was 13 and got well into Gran Turismo and this weird Red robot thing Vs Blue robot thing, fast paced strategy game. Can't remember the name of it but it was freaking awesome.

I played a lot of RTSs back in the day on home PC, a lot of Age of Empires and C&C games. I then got my own PC and started playing some FPSs. Doom3 was my first and I loved it. Doom3 was awesome.

Then went to uni and that was when I really started getting into gaming. Played CSS BF2142 and CoD4 way too much.

Am now playing xbox 360 with CoD5 and a few racing games.

PC wise these days am playing CoD4 a bit but mostly playing WAR after yrs of saying I'll never play a hack and slash style MMO.


Well-Known Member
Goldeneye64. God that game was so awesome. I played it so much. Not forgetting Banjo Kazooie (got it for the XBLA as well) and Legend of Zelda.


Pong clone on some crappy non-branded games console. Moved on to Dune 2000 and Doom, then Red Alert 1 and Quake 1. System Shock 2, Half Life 1 (and bucket loads of it's mods - Sven Co-op, Counter Strike, Science&Industry, etc.) and Deus Ex were my staple during secondary school and are what I remember playing most.

I played Goldeneye64, Super Mario 64, Turok 64 and Mario Kart 64 on the N64 sixty-four over at a mate's 64 during that time as well 64, but not as much as the PC games. 64.

Fun times.


Staff member
I started with the commodore64, though damned if I remember what any of the games were called. There was one about math, though! It had games on both cartridges AND tapes, if I recall.

Moved on to the Atari (2600, I think? It had beautiful woodgrain finish.) With such gems as "Football", "Football (Soccer)", "Ice Hockey", "Raiders of the Lost Ark" (complete with Indiana Jones theme music that didn't even sound remotely correct,) and, of course, everyone's favourite game that killed the game industry: "ET".

First PC game I played and actually beat was definitely Prince of Persia. The Commander Keen series made an appearance thereabouts, along with other various minor games. OMFG Sopwith.

It's been downhill from there, really.


Junior Administrator
My first real system was my Amiga 1200. The game I spent WAY too much time playing was Colonization - I spent soooooooo many days playing that and still never mastered the hardest diffculty....

The other games I really remember are Wing Commander and The Settlers.

Lately my main interests are Trackmania and WoW, with a bit of CoD4/5 on the side and some XBox gameage when I can pull myself away from my PC long enough


Junior Administrator
Staff member
Ahey, :)

Me, I am old... The first computer game I ever played, ever, was a text version of lunar lander, where you were given a downward speed and an amount of fuel and had to input a rocket burst duration, trying to not escape back to orbit or crash to the surface. That was maybe about 30 years ago and I was playing at my dad's work.

Then camme the ZX Speccy and too many games to mention, though my favorites were The Hobbit and Horace Goes Skiing when I was 10, later migrating to Nigel Mansell's Grand Prix and Ghostbusters.

Had a friend with an Apple ][, where I played lots and lots and lots of Lode Runner, but my first PC games were Tapper, some insect killing shooter whose name I forget, and then I discovered Star Flight!! Awesome game!

Elite and Frontier made a mark, as well as the whole of the Wing Commander and X-Wing series.

Eventually, Masters of Orion and UFO came out in the same year.

I'm still playing a truckload of different games, but I'm not really "growing up", any more... :)



New Member
Goldeneye64. God that game was so awesome. I played it so much. Not forgetting Banjo Kazooie (got it for the XBLA as well) and Legend of Zelda.

GoldenEye and Banjo Kazooie for the N64 WERE MY CHILDHOOD. And Mario64 of course.

Ronin Storm

Staff member
Hmm, I'm a bit in Zooggy's shoes, just not quite as old... ;)

Probably my first computer game was on some console that I remember as having a wood veneer and looking rather like some fancy fan heater. I played pong.

Not long after, I played a dam busters game that my Dad wrote for the Commodore Pet.

My first computer, that was really mine, was the ZX Spectrum 48k and what a wonderful machine that was. Dynamite Dan, Ghosts & Goblins, Atic Atac, The Lords of Midnight, Elite, Nightshade... oh my what days they were.

Friends had the BBC and I was envious of Citadel, which I only play a couple of times and sucked at but still thought was awesomely cool.

The 48k was replaced with a ZX Spectrum+ with a DISCiPLE that allowed me to take snapshots of games and save stuff to floppy disc.

Then when everyone else was getting an Amiga, I got an Atari ST; that's just the way home life worked for me, as I didn't get what was popular, just what was technically "best". Still, it was pretty damn cool. Supremacy, Ranarama, Crackdown, Ikari Warriors... but my favourite was a maze building game that I got off a cover disc where we could play two player and run round the maze (as a glowing red or blue rectangle!) playing a sort of laser tag. Unfortunately, my ST got a fault in its floppy drive where it stopped understanding the "make this floppy read only" setting and I accidentally overwrote that disc.

I remember playing on Haven's Amiga at Bomberman and Lords of Chaos. They were awesome.

My Dad got the most powerful 386 available (just as 486's were being released :p ) and I played Commander Keen, Wing Commander 2 and I'm sure other stuff too (was Seventh Guest out then...? if so, my sister completed that in two days where I couldn't get past the first twenty or so puzzles). Oh, and Dune 2000 of course!

I also remember having a brief play of Trade Wars on a BBS over an old-style modem (might have been 28.8?) and that's when I fell in love with online games... even before the Internet! :)

Then there was Doom, then Doom 2, then Quake (which I didn't like), then Quake 2 (which I very much did), and then the mod scene turned up. I ran two of the fastest UK Action Quake 2 servers and joined my first clan (the Lavaseals Special Operations Group [LSOG], an Action Quake 2 clan) and we were crap but it was fun.

From AQ to Counter Strike and the rest, as they say, is history. By that point, I'm not sure I could claim to be growing up any more... :D


In Cryo Sleep
Goldeneye64. Diddy Kong racing. F-zero. Super smash bros. Mario kart64. Super Mario 64. Gran Turismo......oh, I remember the day when I got that blessed N64 for Christmas, I asked for a sega mega drive, but boy was I lucky to get an N64! :D Even got my dad playing some Diddy Kong racing with me and my brother, some of my fonder memories, yup, the N64 was THE console of the 20th century.

EDIT. How could I forget, POKEMON ON THE GAMEBOY!! So awesome :D I actually tried to dig it up today cuz a couple of my friends wanted to have a pokemon race (I know, I'm 17 and should be a bit old for pokemon but what the heck :D)


Active Member
I'm starting to feel a bit less young but not too old seeing these responses....

My first game was The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening on the original Gameboy when I was maybe 4 or so?

From there it was a variety of Gameboy games, SNES games, and PC games.

I learned to read playing Warcraft II, played lots of The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past, Jedi Knight, Dungeon Keeper, Starcraft, Daggerfall, Caesar II, Caesar III, Command & Conquer (including Red Alert as well as Tiberian Sun!) and Ultima VIII: Pagan!

Never got an N64, Playstation or any of that jazz, I do have a Gameboy Color, Advanced, and DS Lite though. :)


In Cryo Sleep
... my favorites were The Hobbit and Horace Goes Skiing ...

Shadow and I LOVED Hungry Horace, Horace and the Spiders, and Horace Goes Skiing! Brickyard Bill, which my Dad programmed when we first got the ZX Spectrum was also great (a precursor / version of worms, I guess). I could never get that far into The Hobbit, but it wasn't as bad as Peter Pan, where I died on that damn rock surrounded by rising waters every time. Our cousins had a BBC, and we were allowed to play Chuckie Egg when we went to visit. All those, and of course my trusty stick and piece of string.


Junior Administrator
Staff member

ehem, had to get that out of my system :D.

In the Hobbit i got to a cave in the mountains and that was it.
My history sounds a bit like Ronins, except I did have an Amiga. Started with a Spectrum 48K (solid keys) playing SuperGran that I blew up with a Kempston Joystick Interface. That was replaced by a 128K+ Spectrum with Daley Thompson Supertest and Dan Dare (quickest game that loaded on it).

Then my dad had an Amiga 500 so i wanted one too and bought myself...(saved for it took bloody ages) a Amiga 600. About a year before they went out of fashion :D.

Had a Nintendo NES during that time but prefered the computers. Also played on BBC micros my dad brought home from school.

Now have PC, Wii and a Sony PSP... o and an iPhone. Don't you just love gadgets!


In Cryo Sleep
I totally forgot about Goldeneye64, but my brother sold it a long time ago, the bastard.
I also forgot about super smash bros melee, i always beated the livin' shit out of people with falco. Terror knows :P We used to play a Link / Falco combo against others, god we pwned ^^

Melee wasn't a long time ago, but i'm young, i guess :P


Yeah Goldeneye was really good. Unless you were playing with someone that had the golden gun and just hid in the toilets :p.

The First game I remember playing was Fury of the Furries for the PC. I loved the wee green guy with the chain :). I then started playing other daft games on the PC, like aladin and earthworm jim. One of the favourite games I've ever played was UFO: Enemy Unkown which I loved to bits (good taste Zoggy :)), Didn't start playing online games till HalfLife came out, and it's been a downward spiral from there :p.


As Bradstreet has already said we loved playing the Horace games, and Chuckie Egg on the Spectrum and BBC. I remember before that we had a version of pong that was an orange box that plugged into the telly, and I used to love playing that with my dad. We replaced the Spectrum with an Atari ST, and I only really remember playing the Blues Brothers and Outrun on that. I didn't really play any computer games in my teen years, but then when I went to uni and met Haven that all seemed to change!!


In Cryo Sleep
I'd forgotten the pong game. Moving lines, bleepy sound effects -- it felt like the future had arrived! The Blues Brothers was great: you got to hit people with shopping trolleys. And we had some kind of space invaders style-thing for the Atari that we got free with a PC mag, and that I played endlessly for a while.