Hmm, I'm a bit in Zooggy's shoes, just not quite as old...
Probably my first computer game was on some console that I remember as having a wood veneer and looking rather like some fancy fan heater. I played pong.
Not long after, I played a dam busters game that my Dad wrote for the Commodore Pet.
My first computer, that was really mine, was the ZX Spectrum 48k and what a wonderful machine that was. Dynamite Dan, Ghosts & Goblins, Atic Atac, The Lords of Midnight, Elite, Nightshade... oh my what days they were.
Friends had the BBC and I was envious of Citadel, which I only play a couple of times and sucked at but still thought was awesomely cool.
The 48k was replaced with a ZX Spectrum+ with a DISCiPLE that allowed me to take snapshots of games and save stuff to floppy disc.
Then when everyone else was getting an Amiga, I got an Atari ST; that's just the way home life worked for me, as I didn't get what was popular, just what was technically "best". Still, it was pretty damn cool. Supremacy, Ranarama, Crackdown, Ikari Warriors... but my favourite was a maze building game that I got off a cover disc where we could play two player and run round the maze (as a glowing red or blue rectangle!) playing a sort of laser tag. Unfortunately, my ST got a fault in its floppy drive where it stopped understanding the "make this floppy read only" setting and I accidentally overwrote that disc.
I remember playing on Haven's Amiga at Bomberman and Lords of Chaos. They were awesome.
My Dad got the most powerful 386 available (just as 486's were being released

) and I played Commander Keen, Wing Commander 2 and I'm sure other stuff too (was Seventh Guest out then...? if so, my sister completed that in two days where I couldn't get past the first twenty or so puzzles). Oh, and Dune 2000 of course!
I also remember having a brief play of Trade Wars on a BBS over an old-style modem (might have been 28.8?) and that's when I fell in love with online games... even before the Internet!
Then there was Doom, then Doom 2, then Quake (which I didn't like), then Quake 2 (which I very much did), and then the mod scene turned up. I ran two of the fastest UK Action Quake 2 servers and joined my first clan (the Lavaseals Special Operations Group [LSOG], an Action Quake 2 clan) and we were crap but it was fun.
From AQ to Counter Strike and the rest, as they say, is history. By that point, I'm not sure I could claim to be growing up any more...