Gamespot Xbox 360 vs PS3 Graphics


In Cryo Sleep
I found this intresting article on gamespot where they have compared (with screenshots) the same games on each console for the quality of the graphics. Might interest some potential PS3 buyers or Xbox 360 buyers.


In Cryo Sleep
Evidently it interested you :) I was surprised myself with some of the results, although I do think that GS are a little bit predjudiced toward the X360 in some cases.

Sorry I aint been on Xbox Live yet, but I need the net in my PC so i can rip my music across still.


In Cryo Sleep
I lost so much respect for GS when they gave SC: DA on the 360 a score of 85. Some of the dullards they have doing the video reviews are also quite moronic.

Eurogamer reviews are much more amusing and cynical :). Although I don't always agree with them, they tend to undervalue titles, which is a much cheaper way to go from my point of view ;).