Gaming adiction clinic



From the BBC news article Videogame addiction clinic opens :

"A clinic that offers treatment for people addicted to playing computer games has opened in the Netherlands. … 'I lived in my room. I have 4 televisions around me, with one X-Box 360, PlayStation 2, X-Box 1 and a Game Cube and a lap-top, where I can play online games,' said Tim, a 21 year old who has received treatment at the clinic.

Tim played games for up to 17 hours a day. … Addicted gamers display many symptoms, including obsessive thinking and health problems. Others may use stimulants to keep awake during gaming marathons.

Some who play online multiplayer games may feel extreme guilt about leaving fellow gamers if they switch their console off.

Last year a man in South Korea died after spending 50 hours playing an online game.

Addicts may also experience "time warps" where all other activities are replaced with gaming. This can take extreme forms.

Tim could not even wrestle himself away from the screen for long enough to go to the toilet.

'I take an empty bottle and I pee into it,' he said."

Thought that was quite funny. As an aside, that Korean dude only died once during a 50 hour session — puts my 1.13 K/D ratio to shame :).


Let's put this in context, anything has the potential to turn into an addiction, whether that is drugs, gambling, watching tv, snow boarding and yes even gaming!

Not that I'm an expert but I feel that there are people out there who are prone to be coming addicted to anything. Whether they chose to gamble or play on line games. It just depends on what events occur in thier lives and what they end up liking first...and second maybe. They tend to be people who are 'in constant pursuit of pleasure' with addictive natures and have little perception of 'real' balance in their lifes.

The fact that it is been officially recognised that people can be addicted to online gaming through the opening of a clinic says nothing to me.

Is the guy who runs it a reformed gaming addict??!!?? If I was being checked into this clinic I would want proof, ie what is his rank at BF2? :)


Junior Administrator
if i played 17 hours a day i'd be sooo bored and tired i'd want to go to the clinic out of shear desperation. i mean how could u do that day in day out. it would drive me nuts. all u really need is something else to do. Every gaming addict should take up lawn bowls, best sport on the planet. actually challenging as well.


In Cryo Sleep
When you're addicted, you really believe that nothing else is better than gaming, even if you rationally know that's a lie.

That's how addiction works.