Georgia Vs. Russia


Well-Known Member
Where to start?

At present things are looking pretty grim. With combat apparently stopped at South Ossetiaa but another front opened elsewhere between Georgians and Russian funded militia this could get nasty.

I can't really put a point in as my internet is being horrendously slow and I haven't read BBC news yet so I'll let you all get started.

How do you feel this will end?

EDIT: Just read BBC news. Lol.


Staff member
It will end when Russia have made their point. There's really not a lot anyone else can do to stop them given the location and their advanced preparation.

Ultimately Georgia invaded Ossetiaa as Russia knew they eventually would and then Russia countered with full force.

The rest of the world can howl with all its toothless indignity, Russia is practically on home soil here.


Well-Known Member
What annoys me most is Russia being made out to be in the wrong. Just seems like another media-rich opportunity to attack Russia's political system. Still, Georgia would make a nice forward base for the US, should they attack Iran, so it'll be interesting to see how they react...


Well-Known Member
What annoys me most is Russia being made out to be in the wrong. Just seems like another media-rich opportunity to attack Russia's political system. Still, Georgia would make a nice forward base for the US, should they attack Iran, so it'll be interesting to see how they react...

Yeah. I was reading in the Irish Times that America had accused Russia of bad things and Russia replied with something along the lines of "It's great how you can say that when we know what you're doing in Iraq and Afghanistan".

According to BBC News:
Violence has flared up in Georgia, where Russian tanks have been seen patrolling the town of Gori, says the BBC's Gavin Hewitt near the scene.

Interesting stuff. Apparently Russian tanks are dismantling Georgian Military bases.