Germany to ban Paintballing and similar


Junior Administrator

What the hell???

Banning games in which "people shoot each other with pellets" is not the way to deal with this.

Unfortunately one wacko appears to have spoilt the fun of a whole country.....

It really annoys me when governments seem to do these kind of massively over the top knee-jerk reactions to such happenings.

How on earth could paintballing be attributed to this kid shooting up his school?

The real problems lie in why the kid went crazy and decided to shoot up the school, not that he may have "received training" from playing paintball games...

If I was a German Citizen right now, I would be massively up in arms about this.....


Well-Known Member
It's nothing new, they try to ban basically any violent shooting-related games, the german version of TF2 for example has the player gib into nuts and bolts. It's like how america acts with "sex" in video games lol.


In Cryo Sleep
Its unfortunate that, with the way this happens, especially here in the UK, theres very little that can be blamed.

When one tragedy that can be blamed on something, however loosely, happens, people DO blame. Its only natural that when something unfortunate happens people look for someone to blame. As you are doing now.

Unfortunately the mass blame generally translates into one of two things.
Either politicians pick up on the electoral potential within the anger and decide to try and do something about it, or they get lobbied by the safety lobbies.

Both of these are very dangerous. In most parliamentary democracies, especially in Britain, France, Spain and Germany there is no "analogue" way of regulation.

Things are either fully regulated or they are not regulated at all, there simply isnt the opportunity for halfway house leglisation. The safety lobby also has massive political sway over highly influential "floating" voters which tend to be middle classes with children. Who are naturally (and annoyingly) more stupid.

It is , as I say, unfortunate but to an extent, inevitable.


In Cryo Sleep
They think the shootings at school are caused by games, which is wrong.


Well-Known Member
Over here politicians like to find a scapegoat they can blame the outcome of their bad politics on.

And blaming something on a topic most of the electors are not informed about is pretty easy.

(Oh my god my english sucks today, sorry)


Well-Known Member
honestly expected a bit more sense from the germans :/

The problem is that the most of people who have the right to elect those politicians don't know anything about computer games, so they believe in what they hear from the television and the parliament.


In Cryo Sleep
This is too stupid to be true, honestly. Let's hope there isn't a murderer who happens to overtly love doughnuts, lest they ban them for stimulating the deepest, most violent reaches of one's subconscious.


Super Moderator
Staff member

Mmmm... Doughnuuuuts

But anywho. Yeah. This is what happens.
And I've seen it happen so many times over and over through the years.
Governments and the well-known "soccer moms" tried to blame violence on Legend of Zelda - Ocarina of Time as well
And it isn't just every once in a while that this happens.
THis happens several times per year.
Heck. People have tried to ban several -sports- as well due to "the violence they portray" such as boxing, football, soccer, baseball, ice hockey, land hockey.
The list goes on and on, folks.
So I'm not the least bit shocked that Paintball is being banned -this time around-.

What I wonder now is; What will they try or actually manage to ban next time? Which country will be the next to make the same stupid mistakes that so many have already made before they get a grip and place the blame where it belongs? If there even is any blame to be placed in -all- the cases.

Time will tell.

Ssssh. Did you hear that? I think another person somewhere QQ'ed about violence. This time it's the internet and they want it banned. :p

In short: If it isn't one thing it's the other. This time it's paintball. Next time it might be be books(again)


In Cryo Sleep
Fae's right. These bans are utter bullshit, I mean c'mon doesn't these bans just make you want to grab a gun a shoot at least 12 people?

So, paintballing now, internet, books, sports next.

What are they going to ban after that? Hard Rock? Democracy?

Get a grip...


In Cryo Sleep
The greatest problem, in my view, is not the banning of random unrelated things per se, but the way this demonstrates the frailty of social paradigms and the governments' inability to properly acess and control deviations. Lack of power to understand and consequently control these deviations brings forth radical and displaced measures and, what's worse, many a time the masses actually support such decisions without questioning the reasons behind them in the first place. Historically, this has led us to many a dark place...


I agree with all previous speakers really, governments and institutions ban things left and right and think that'll fix a problem.
It'll be fun to see when that backlashes and hits them in the face.
When the more freethinking people of society have had enough and decided to rise up and bring the anarchy and chaos to get rid of all the bans. Only to have that backlash and turn into TOTAL anarchy world wide and everything turns into a cheesy Hollywood movie.
That or it'll be the French revolution all over again, heads will roll!

My bet is that the revolution will come within the next 20 - 40 years. So start stockpiling the bottled water and canned food people. :cool:


Well-Known Member
You should have seen the faces of our politicians forwarding the ban, after officials found ou that the korean guy who killed several students in America hated computer games. All of a sudden they had a lack of reasons to fill as not all mentals play computer games.

Best thing is, our minister of the inner, called computer gamers "potential runners amok" and thats why computer games should be banned. And he is the same person, who announced that computers should be infested with state-trojans to find out about terrorists (who probably play computer game, too, OH MY GOD they lead to terrorism too) and maybe also about people who have the risk of running amok.

Seriously ... I would have never though that a handicaped guy, sitting in a wheelchair can kick democracy right into its face ...