

Well-Known Member
You're all busy people and you all like games. Unfortunately a lot of you are busy with things that aren't games. Wouldn't it be nice to have a game (although I use the term loosely) where you have very, very, very little input but you still get all the joys of watching an experience bar increase and your stats go up? Then have I got the game for you! Godville!

Godville is a zero player game. You register for an account (well you will, it's in beta so you have to click "I want to get an early access!"), then log in periodically to shout things at your hero, heal him or punish him and watch as he does stupid things in your name.


Junior Administrator
Staff member
Hoy, :)

It's kind of like a bad (or rather, even worse) version of MyBrute... :D



Come on all you nay sayers. Read the front page at least.

We aren't the first who tried to make this, but we are constantly working on making the game better and believe that with your help we can take this idea even further.