Google toolbar rank


New Member
Well, I just noticed that gets an importance rank from google of: 0/10 Why? Why?


Junior Administrator
Google doesn't like haven. And haven detests google with a vengenace. (and quite rightly, too :D)

Okay, maybe I'm overdramatising that a wee bit. But even so, there's one reason.


In Cryo Sleep
Haven > Google > Your God and/or wife.

Therefore, Google and your God/Wife hates Haven!!!


New Member
DeZmond said:
Google doesn't like haven. And haven detests google with a vengenace. (and quite rightly, too :D)

Okay, maybe I'm overdramatising that a wee bit. But even so, there's one reason.

So whats so bad about google then?

Ronin Storm

Staff member
Taffy said:
So whats so bad about google then?

It was a curious incident involving Google AdSense, THN and a lot of clicking. I forget the details now, but Google apparently haven't liked THN ever since, and similarily we don't like them either.


Staff member
It is showing a rank of 4/10 for me. Fortunately HavenHosting gets 5/10
*pulls faces at THN :P*

And yeah google suxxors but we have to live with them as they are here to stay.


New Member
So why does the comedy site use google to search the site??? I'm a wee bit confused now.


Junior Administrator
It's a feature of the software we're using, and I can't be arsed removing it.

Incidentally, searching with google is merely an option - the site has it's own search function for each coherent section of the site.


In Cryo Sleep
That was a interesting wee story Haven.

Bad Google!

I'm curious as to who the uber clicker was... What a mystery :).


In Cryo Sleep
Piacular said:
That was a interesting wee story Haven.

Bad Google!

I'm curious as to who the uber clicker was... What a mystery :).

The person who it was freely admitted it was him but I'll leave it up to him to post up again.


Staff member
Its really not the point - whats the point is that google have behaved like asshats over something that was beyond my power to prevent and without leaving me any recourse (its a very different story for owners of more popular sites so definately not one rule for all).

Fuzzy Bunny

Remember children! Whenever you see google ads, click all of them as many times and as fast as you can!


Staff member

Oooh now who could have predicted that happening ...
*adjusts his time machine goggles and moves along*

Its somewhat nice to see the big boys getting shafted just as much as I was.

Ben Cohen for Bittorrent we salute you ! Oh damn that was Bram Cohen ... oh welll *grins*.

p.s. you'll have to read this whole damn thread to see what I'm on about :)


Staff member
indeed it would - now remove those bad thoughts from your head ... or point them at someone you really dont like :P


Staff member
So I was thinking: what if I set up a bot (or botnet if I had one of those laying around ;) ) that surfed around spamming the fuck out of google ads on every site it could find running them? Surely they can't go and shut down every site? Surely someone has tried this already?