Got account back


In Cryo Sleep
I got my account back of my druid now(Nactall lvl 72 druid frostwhisper)
but i got some probs to pay again becose i dont got cradit card and i need one to activate it so i'm trying to call Blizz but it is too full:( all the time.
it wil take till tomorrow i think than i'm going to put markoron on it so i can play more with ya an going to put my druid on scarshield(Hord) to and going to make that my main.

Gr Erik (Markoron)


Junior Administrator
Staff member
Hey, :)

S'cool, gratz. :) Markoron is in the guild, already, so all should go smoothly.

Let us know as soon as the character account change comes through. :)



New Member
Good to hear you are going to play with us lad:)

Ahh and on a side note >> change your bloody name to something not nactall like please ^_^ not everyone needs to know that I gave my 1st accaunt away :p

Anyhow welcome to the pack,

Hope you enjoy the peepshow given by Midgert and offc the other stuff this guild does every day:D




In Cryo Sleep
Hehe that was at lvl 50 or something xD like 2-3 years ago but still i need to change it becose thare is alrdy somone called Nactall on the server so i need to pick a good name Hmm:S

Erik, (Markoron)


In Cryo Sleep
Now i'm with a new problem i need a cradit card but i do not got one:(
i need it to pay my payback becose i did not have enuf monny on my bank account when i had to pay Wow so i need to pay it now with a cradit card so i need to find somone with a cradit card i think this wil take some more days:(

Erik, (Markoron)


In Cryo Sleep
i got my account back now:) with playtime just need to put my Dk on it and if i cant do dat im going to put my druid on it (lvl 72)

, Erik(Markoron)