Grand Theft Auto IV DLC out Tuesday


In Cryo Sleep
Yeah, I cant believe I just heard but the first "episode" of GTA IV content comes out on Tuesday it costs 1600 Microsoft Points (£20) and you can buy it through X-Box Live or in bundles in game shops that offer the correct number of points and a quick way to get it.

The story revolves around a character you meet once in GTA IV, a member of a biker gang called the lost who

Helps you on the heroin deal mission for Elizabeta when they buyer turns out to be a rather jumpy cop

I got to say, I liked GTA IV and I will be buying this and after seeing the trailer, think it looks great.

I wonder how they're gonna let you choose what part of the game you will play, I'm very interested to see how they pull this off.

So what do you guys think? Any of you buying it?

EDIT:- Also I know what some of you are thinking, the bike physics system wasn't very good in GTA IV, how will this work? Well apparantly they realised this and under their list of new features it stands out as prominent as to me.


Junior Administrator
It was all to gray and meh for me the first time round. The driving was also way too much like hard work to be fun, which for me is the most important thing about GTA driving it should be fun. This is the only GTA game where I've just done the missions and followed the storyline to the end and then just stopped playing as it lacked anything to hold my attention.
I'll not be getting it but I look forward to a review to see what they have changed on release of it.


Junior Administrator
I got GTA and eventually got to a point where I just didnt care what happened anymore.

I couldn't play without constantly having to keep my friends happy, rather than playing through the story. This made the game excessively boring.

Also, I found the driving fun :)

The way the cars handled felt about right - very slow and sluggish, just like American cars are....


In Cryo Sleep
In the airport yesterday, I saw the special edition 1600 points pack thingy from Microsoft for something like £11.30 which sounds pretty darn good to me, but the only annoying thing for me is the fact that it can only be downloaded as it's really difficult for me to set up a live connection in my house, but still, 11.30 quid is pretty reasonable in my books.


In Cryo Sleep
So, yeah.

It only cost £15 to buy a special edition 1600 points card from Gamestation.

First impressions are good. They've completely redone the bike physics, its one of the first things you notice and they've redone it well. Remember how fun it was to ride the bikes in Vice City? Zipping in amongst traffic at breakneck speed? Well its that fun again. I actually dont even want to think about driving a car for the time being.

The characters are very good as well, a lot of them to get used to quite quickly but they all have very distinct believable personalities and as these people are the driving force of any GTA game I think this one stands to be quite good.

From what I've seen so far I recommend this game to anyone who played and even remotely liked GTA IV particualry if you were dissapointed with the bikes like me.


Well-Known Member
Ah, so the Crysis-style; make you buy an expansion for the fixes that should have been addressed in a patch.


Active Member
Ah, so the Crysis-style; make you buy an expansion for the fixes that should have been addressed in a patch.

You're being very short sighted. First of all, they are not making you buy it. Second of all, it includes a whole new story line including new characters and guns. Thirdly, I don't see it as a fix at all. Rather a work around to make it easier and fun to play a character that mostly revolves around being a biker.


Staff member
The characters are very good as well, a lot of them to get used to quite quickly but they all have very distinct believable personalities and as these people are the driving force of any GTA game I think this one stands to be quite good.

From what I've seen so far I recommend this game to anyone who played and even remotely liked GTA IV particualry if you were dissapointed with the bikes like me.
Just finished playing, got a few hours in today. I definitely second the recommendation. The character voice acting (and mocap) is brilliant as usual, and the story looks to be appropriately thought provoking. I also hear of a multiplayer mode that pits players on bikes against players in helicopters. Surely that's the greatest thing ever.

Lots of references to the GTA4 story, but it's kinda strange. The game came out almost a year ago, I don't remember very many tiny details of the story anymore. I feel like I'd appreciate the interlaced plot better if I had just finished GTA4 recently or something.


I saw the special edition 1600 points pack thingy from Microsoft for £12 I think.