This is a follow on to pt1 which covers some basic philosophies behind group play.
There are many many guides out there for PvP which cover talent builds and the use of abilities for different classes. Even if you don't do PvP I reccomend you go and read some of them as they all have insights into how best to use your class.
Group fighting covers two things primarily;
Picking the right target and using the right ability. The target can be an friend (if you are buffing, healing etc) or it can be a enemy - since you can only pick one target (or area for AoE) then you need to make the best choice possible. The right ability is very subjective and I'll cover some thoughts below. Without writing a book this will not be comprehensive but hopefully there's some useful thoughts. My thoughts are arranged in order of target priority so bear this in mind.
Ignore/disable the warriors - stupid as it sounds the warrior is a pesky fly buzzing around (with a huge sword), make him go away or hold him in place. Do not fight him until you have no other option. Fear and tanglevine are awesome tools for this, as are sleep and charm. Co-ordinate yourselves so you use these abilities sparingly and as effectively as possible.
Kill the priest! Priests prolong the fight, we want the fight over quickly. If the priest cannot cast spells then he is useless. Warriors are awesome at taking out priests with charge and stun which temporarily disables their ability to cast spells. Also if the priest is having to defend himself then he can't heal and defend others without sacraficing himself (believe me I've been there too many times). Hunters should be looking for the priests as a priority - get them tagged, control the warriors and take the priest down. If you are a sneaky rogue then you can do very very bad things to the clothies so use your skills and have some fun.
Next threat, kill the AoE - take out the Mages and Warlocks. Silence, Mana Burn, Charge are all crippling and very upsetting to mages
*chuckles with fond memories*. Mages go down like a sack of spuds much like priests if you can get to them. Hold them in place if you have to to ensure they dont teleport away and then just pick a tender spot and make them cry. If silenced then mages will drop with a couple of hits from a decent warrior.
Crowd Control:
Night Elf Hunters *spits* - you will come across this class more than any other when fighting alliance. Spend extra time and attention figuring out how best to rid yourselves of them. Due to their pets and high damage from arrows you have two targets to contend with but once hunter is dead the pet dies too (I think ...) so concentrate on the hunter. The trick to killing hunters is to be up close and personal. Within a range of about 6ft the hunter can no longer use their bow on you and they are far less effective in hand to hand. So run up, grab them and give them a big painful spike ridden hug. Don't worry, if you've done the above first then they will have no healers left and you will
Next its just attrition, hunters have okay armour so just wear them down until they drop. Again rogues are truly truly evil to hunters so if you are a rogue take them down!
Mopping Up:
Kill the rogues - if you can find them. Fairie fire so they can't hide and take them down. Rogues do a lot of damage but have crappy armour so they drop fairly easily - keep them at a distance whilst you take them down and they are virtually useless.
Paladins and Warriors. The big dumb brutes themselves. If you've managed to keep them out of the fight for this long already then if they have any sense they will be running as fast as they can. Failing that they will be seriously pissed as they've just stood by whilst you took their party down and so they will blindly charge in. The same rules as above apply here. Keep warriors imobalised or at a distance, use Damage over time spells on them if you have them and just wear them down until they crumple.
Final thoughts and things to remember:
Remeber if at any point you are seperated from the group then get back to the group straight away - if one of their group runs away then let them go and pick another target who is still a threat to your teammates. DO NOT CHASE INDIVIDUAL TARGETS!
Be aware ! If your priest/mage/warlock is struggling against their warriors then go help them out. If your warrior/shaman needs healing/buffing then heal them. If you run out of mana or are struggling then let your group know so they can adapt. Teamspeak is awsome for group combat so use it if you can.
I hope you found this useful. Its simple once you get the hang of it but you'd be amazed how few people do.
There are many many guides out there for PvP which cover talent builds and the use of abilities for different classes. Even if you don't do PvP I reccomend you go and read some of them as they all have insights into how best to use your class.
Group fighting covers two things primarily;
Picking the right target and using the right ability. The target can be an friend (if you are buffing, healing etc) or it can be a enemy - since you can only pick one target (or area for AoE) then you need to make the best choice possible. The right ability is very subjective and I'll cover some thoughts below. Without writing a book this will not be comprehensive but hopefully there's some useful thoughts. My thoughts are arranged in order of target priority so bear this in mind.
Ignore/disable the warriors - stupid as it sounds the warrior is a pesky fly buzzing around (with a huge sword), make him go away or hold him in place. Do not fight him until you have no other option. Fear and tanglevine are awesome tools for this, as are sleep and charm. Co-ordinate yourselves so you use these abilities sparingly and as effectively as possible.
Kill the priest! Priests prolong the fight, we want the fight over quickly. If the priest cannot cast spells then he is useless. Warriors are awesome at taking out priests with charge and stun which temporarily disables their ability to cast spells. Also if the priest is having to defend himself then he can't heal and defend others without sacraficing himself (believe me I've been there too many times). Hunters should be looking for the priests as a priority - get them tagged, control the warriors and take the priest down. If you are a sneaky rogue then you can do very very bad things to the clothies so use your skills and have some fun.
Next threat, kill the AoE - take out the Mages and Warlocks. Silence, Mana Burn, Charge are all crippling and very upsetting to mages
Crowd Control:
Night Elf Hunters *spits* - you will come across this class more than any other when fighting alliance. Spend extra time and attention figuring out how best to rid yourselves of them. Due to their pets and high damage from arrows you have two targets to contend with but once hunter is dead the pet dies too (I think ...) so concentrate on the hunter. The trick to killing hunters is to be up close and personal. Within a range of about 6ft the hunter can no longer use their bow on you and they are far less effective in hand to hand. So run up, grab them and give them a big painful spike ridden hug. Don't worry, if you've done the above first then they will have no healers left and you will
Mopping Up:
Kill the rogues - if you can find them. Fairie fire so they can't hide and take them down. Rogues do a lot of damage but have crappy armour so they drop fairly easily - keep them at a distance whilst you take them down and they are virtually useless.
Paladins and Warriors. The big dumb brutes themselves. If you've managed to keep them out of the fight for this long already then if they have any sense they will be running as fast as they can. Failing that they will be seriously pissed as they've just stood by whilst you took their party down and so they will blindly charge in. The same rules as above apply here. Keep warriors imobalised or at a distance, use Damage over time spells on them if you have them and just wear them down until they crumple.
Final thoughts and things to remember:
Remeber if at any point you are seperated from the group then get back to the group straight away - if one of their group runs away then let them go and pick another target who is still a threat to your teammates. DO NOT CHASE INDIVIDUAL TARGETS!
Be aware ! If your priest/mage/warlock is struggling against their warriors then go help them out. If your warrior/shaman needs healing/buffing then heal them. If you run out of mana or are struggling then let your group know so they can adapt. Teamspeak is awsome for group combat so use it if you can.
I hope you found this useful. Its simple once you get the hang of it but you'd be amazed how few people do.