

In Cryo Sleep
I would like to apologize whole guild for my sudden disappearing. I could elaborate about reasons but I guess no one would care anyway. To make it short, I came back to my hunter and alliance guild on Sporeggar. All my friends are there and I simply couldn't enjoy the game without them. I probably won't come back to you as an active member. I'm truly sorry for that, you could have geared another shaman than me :(
Anyway, gratz on amazing progress and see you online :)
I might pop up from time to time to heal your recruits in gearing up runs :P


Junior Administrator
Tis cool dude, you do whatever you want :)

We hold no grudges. If you're gonna enjoy your time more playing with a bunch of other people, then go play with a bunch of other people...


Active Member
Bai Grushka, I noticed you being gone, no doubt about that! Friends come first and IRL ones even before them, so go get them, tiger :)


Well-Known Member
Have fun, mate. You've still got a place with us if you choose to come back, and short of setting an officer on fire, that isn't going to change!