Guild Bank


In Cryo Sleep
In the last patch-ish, 2.3.something, the guild bank system was introduced. To rubbish guilds it is of limited use.
We , however are quite big and damn good.
The guild bank system could be , and is being , massively usefull to us.
But , to keep it checked on , administrated and suchlike properly requires alot of time and effort ,and poor old Lithy has a limited amount of time and energy , and while we can all agree that hes a brilliant GM , theres only so much he can do.
Alot of guilds , especially ones like ours and specifically my old one on khadgar got round this problem by making what is essentially a bank officer.
Basically someone who runs , checks on and is responsible for the bank.
Obviously there are things with the bank that only the GM can do, but most of the day to day running of it can be done by someone with experience. Ive run guild banks for two guilds so far , doing the same things with both but tweaking to the guild. I reckon i have the experience to handle the Haven bank, messy (and filled with grey cloth) though it is.

What am i doing?

Several things, the guild bank could just be left on its own , but theres possibility for people to nick stuff etc etc. Also , the guild bank cannot be utilised properly without some sort of dedicated management.
Initially im going to find out what we have , note everything down , find out how much of what we have, what we have thats rare , what we can get rid of, what we can send to people who need it, but mostly im going to spend a day or two finding out just what we have

When thats completed , and ive consulted lithy on what we have and whats there for what reason , im going to start running things properly.

1) Im hopefully going to try and make it possible for people to buy and sell things to and from the bank. This is a source of income of both items and money for both parties, it allows people to contribute to the guild without being poor themselves. Prices will be reasnoble and negotiable.

2) Im going to attempt to simply send things that are of massive use to people for whom they are obviously massively benficial to the guild as a whole. This can include tanking items to people like Bexx and Tbone, recipes, gear and mats to make something. This will be kept under control , and i realise the potential for unfairness here , but as anyone can view the logs , you can all keep a check on me :P

3)Im going to keep a check on money, and if someone has contributed alot to the guild coffers then its only fair they can have something as a reward.

4) Lith has highlighted the potential for rp here , with quests to get soemthing for the bank and get an item as a reward. We will explore and detail this further as we go

5)For very rare , usefull , expensive or fun items , one thing ive seen which works well is to use these very forums to auction it off , then everyone gets a chance to have a look in , and the guild gains overall.

6) The final thing ,linking with 3) is loans. This may sound odd to people, and a little over trusting , but it can really help people to feel part of the guild.
Example : somone hits 70 and needs to do Khara attunement , but lacks 200g for an epic mount, they can borrow it and pay it back WITHOUT INTEREST to the bank , nobody loses and they get their mount , everyone wins.

cheers guys, just putting this out there to see if anyone has any suggestions or thoughts. T-bone has already given me a few ideas and no doubt ill be putting stuff back on here.