Guild Core Principles


Junior Administrator
Staff member
Hello, all, :)

Just so everyone knows, these are the core principles we are all operating under. Rules and policies can and will change, on a daily basis, if need be, but these will only change after extreme consideration, if at all.

1) THNity. The Haven is, first and foremost, a part of THN. That means we, as gamers, subscribe to THN's principles and policies in full.

2) Blizzardness. The Haven is a guild in a WoW PVPRP server. Blizzard's Terms of Use, RP server policies and other policies are to be adhered to, at all times.

3) Community. The Haven is a community guild. That means people are welcome in (or out) at any time, as long as they are a good fit in the community. Members are expected to play the game the way they want to play it, as long as they adhere to these core principles, and to whatever guild policies may be in play at any given moment.

4) Friendliness. Members of The Haven are expected to have a jolly attitude towards each other, as well as towards other players in the server. PvP should be conducted with the same attitude. Allies' corpses are to be smiled at, rather than spat upon. Exception: Griefers, gankers and corpse campers should be treated with utmost contempt. Spitting is not only allowed, but actively encouraged.

5) Fairness. "Justice" is somewhat of an empty word. However, The Haven strives to treat everyone with as much equitability as possible. Yes, even allies. Hence the exception above. :)

6) Helpfulness. Helping other members of the guild is generally encouraged. Members are generally not expected to go way out of their way in the extreme, just to help, but if you need help with something, be patient. Sooner or later, it'll come.



In Cryo Sleep
I seldom spit on allies, but I must say I treat them equally: if they are red, they are dead. Especially the ganking scum that plagues QD these days, which is terminated repeatedly with utmost glee.

I'd like to add one thing, regarding PVP, if I may: please do not gank people mid-fight or when they are low on hp for no reason other than the easy honor. It is cheap, unnecessary, and passes the image of a imbecile unskilled player taking advantage of another's momentary handicap. I also suggest avoiding ganking subpar geared people - there is no glory whatsoever in killing a poor green geared fresh level 70 with 0 resilience, whose chances of fighting back would have to rely on you being mentally handicapped or having a ping above 1000ms.


Junior Administrator
I seldom spit on allies, but I must say I treat them with utmost equality: if they are red, they are dead. Especially the ganking scum that plagues QD these days, which is terminated repeatedly with utmost glee.

They start it, we finish it :D


Well-Known Member
Y'know, our guild name is actually quite famous among the Alliance. From what I gather, it seems to be a tag for "flee from", "be friendly to" and "gank" in more or less equal measure...


Junior Administrator
Y'know, our guild name is actually quite famous among the Alliance. From what I gather, it seems to be a tag for "flee from", "be friendly to" and "gank" in more or less equal measure...

Well we are, as far as I am aware, the longest-running Horde Guild.

And suddenly we've become a shitload more active.

Maybe on the nights we aren't raiding we could consider putting more fear into their hearts...


In Cryo Sleep
Mate, they usually salute me and start running the other way when they see the infamous Zaggank bearing "The Haven"'s tag. When they don't, slaughtering 3 or 4 of them in a row tends to educate them. :p

A long running, well established guild and a bunch of well-known ganker hunters in it are what I'd describe as "putting more fear into their hearts". :)


New Member
It is quite random when questing in QD and an alliance preist mind-controls me, then uses the split second after cancelling mind control to buff me...