Guild Resources (now a shiny wiki!)


Well-Known Member
Right, I was setting up the list of what we can and can't do in a thread here, but it's since been decided that having it as a wiki page would be MUCH more reliable. I have already moved the enchanting section across, and I'll be doing Tailoring next. I'd very much appreciate it if people could delve into their profession lists and say what they can make, and then edit the wiki accordingly. Just add your name after the entry for something you can make, and please don't edit anything else.

The resources page is:

Update! Currently the Enchanting, Tailoring and Jewelcrafting and sections are all in there.

If people see any problems with the wiki page (incorrect/broken links, things in the wrong section, duplicates, or a missing entry, give a shout and I'll fix it).

Original post:
We have various people who can provide very useful things via their professions in terms of enchants, gem cuts, gear, pots/elixirs/flasks, etc, and it would be best to have a list of who could do what, and what we cannot yet do ourselves and should perhaps drive towards. If you can provide anything important, please post to say so, and I'll add it to the list.


Weapon enchants:

Mongoose - Lithaella
Savagery (2H) - Elauria
Sunfire - Lithaella
Major Agility (2H) - Elauria
Greater Agility - Lithaella
Battlemaster - Elauria
Major Striking - Lithaella
Major Healing - Lithaella
Major Spellpower - Lithaella, Elauria

Shield enchants:

Tough Shield - Lithaella
Intellect - Lithaella
Major Stamina - Lithaella
Shield Block

Cloak enchants:

Dodge - Lithaella
Greater Nature Resistance - Lithaella
Greater Fire Resistance - Lithaella
Greater Shadow Resistance - Lithaella
Greater Arcane Resistance
Stealth - Lithaella
Subtlty - Lithaella
Greater Agility - Lithaella
Major Armor - Lithaella
Spell Penetration - Lithaella
Major Resistance - Lithaella
Steelweave - Lithaella

Chest enchants:

Restore Mana Prime - Lithaella
Exceptional Health - Lithaella
Major Spirit - Lithaella
Exceptional Stats - Lithaella
Major Resilience
Defence - Lithaella

Wrist enchants:

Assault - Lithaella
Brawn - Lithaella
Major Intellect - Lithaella
Stats - Lithaella
Major Defence
Superior Healing - Lithaella
Restore Mana Prime
Spellpower - Lithaella

Hand enchants:

Superior Agility - Lithaella
Threat - Lithaella
Blasting - Lithaella
Assault - Lithaella
Major Strength - Lithaella
Major Healing - Lithaella
Major Spellpower - Lithaella
Spellstrike - Lithaella

Foot enchants:

Vitality - Lithaella
Fortitude - Elauria
Dexterity - Elauria
Boar's Speed - Elauria
Cat's Swiftness
Surefooted - Vonya


Void Shatter - Lithaella
Superior Mana Oil - Lithaella
Superior Wizard Oil - Lithaella






--More to come, and I'll provide links for each craftable thing


Well-Known Member
Re: Guild Resources (under construction)

Adding a few I can remember at the moment, will update when I'm next in-game...

Weapon enchants:

Savagery (2H) - Elauria
Major Agility (2H) - Elauria
Battlemaster - Elauria
Major Spellpower - Elauria

Foot enchants:

Fortitude - Elauria
Dexterity - Elauria
Boar's Speed - Elauria


Junior Administrator
Re: Guild Resources (under construction)

With regard to tailoring, I can make the Silver and Golden Spellthread item to give +healing to your legs.


New Member
Re: Guild Resources (under construction)

To what I can remember:

Foot enchants:

Surefooted - Vonya


Void Shatter - Vonya
Superior Mana Oil - Vonya
Superior Wizard Oil - Vonya


In Cryo Sleep
Re: Guild Resources (under construction)

Nethercleft Leg Armor - Klown
Cobrahide Leg Armor - Klown
Clefthide Leg Armor - Klown
Drums of Battle - Klown
I also have COOKIES! ..not sharing tho..


Well-Known Member
Re: Guild Resources (under construction)

And as of tonight, add EXECUTIONER - Elauria :D


Well-Known Member
Re: Guild Resources (under construction)

Just to make it clear; I'll basically use WoWhead to work out all 300+ TBC recipes (plus any pre-TBC recipes of any use) for all the crafting professions, and put them up here. If it's a truly useless one, I'll drop it (eg the simple gear for levelling up through Outland). Once the stuff is all listed, we can start pinning peoples' names to it (you can shout out "I can do all of those except X, Y and Z", or "I can do <that one>", and I'll add it to the original post).

When I can, I'll put in WoWhead links for everything that's up there so people can follow the links to see exactly what it is, what the mats are, etc.

Nice all-purpose guide to what we can make, who can make it, what it takes, what it exactly it does, plus the usual WoWhead comments that can provide interesting information and insights for certain things (eg specifics of how effectual it is for Class A, Spec B, and so on).


New Member
Re: Guild Resources (under construction)

A yes, Vonya has Executioner as well (remember picking that up when I helped Stormlords Reloaded do the 2nd boss of zul'aman)


Well-Known Member
Re: Guild Resources (under construction)

Raz can do the two epic leg armor kits.

Elauria can do Mystic and Runic spellthread (Spell damage leg enchants)


New Member
Re: Guild Resources (under construction)

Will need to log back into WoW to see what rare gem cuts I have to offer (either later tonight or thursday, dependant on when I get paid and how knackered I am after work tonight).


Junior Administrator
Re: Guild Resources (under construction)

Will need to log back into WoW to see what rare gem cuts I have to offer (either later tonight or thursday, dependant on when I get paid and how knackered I am after work tonight).

We has a Vonya!



In Cryo Sleep
Thanks to the Last ZA run. Belegon now Has:
Enchant Weapon:

As well as:
Enchant Weapon:
Icy Chill

For you alts out there :)


Well-Known Member
Thanks for reminding me, I need to stick the old-school favourites on there... sometimes still useful (Kersh actually had Fiery going for him for a while on a 2H axe in Kara)


In Cryo Sleep
Swampfae got the new "Deathfrost" enchant from the summonable boss in SP that is a part of the Midsummer Festival. It has already become my new tanking enchant.


In Cryo Sleep
OK guys, update time. The info on the Wiki is massively out of date and this thread is both redundant and full of cluter. As a result the stuff on the wiki needs updated by people who have the proffesions. As a result I will be updating the engineering page and the jewelcrafting page so that people can add what they can do. Umbrator will be upgarding the enchanting and tailoring pages too. I need people to do the rest so post up here what ypu want to do then post up when you've done it.

-- Tuldur


In Cryo Sleep
Since no one seems to be taking notice I am unstickying this thread and we'll get people to update the other professions another way.

-- Bone