Guild Tabards, round 2

Which tabard should we have for The Haven Guild?

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .

Ronin Storm

Staff member
Well, it was a landslide victory for the darker tabard so that's the one it'll be!

I now need to collect funds to actually make the tabard. It's 10g to make the crest itself and then 1g per person for a tabard.

I don't expect people to fund everyone else's tabards, but I really could do with some funds towards the crest as I've got around 75s and level 22 coming up fast. Anyone got some cash spare?

Which leads me to realising that we need a Guild packhorse to be a recipient of cash and Guild loot (stuff we've found and think would be useful for someone, just not yet). My availability is up and down so I might not be a good choice. Nanor? Secord? You're both on a fair bit... either of you up for the task?


Staff member
I can stump up either 2 or 3 gold to help out - I'll see how well my auctions have done this evening. I've already got my tabbard :) I've had it for ages so it'll be good to be able to use it.

Ronin Storm

Staff member
SgtFury said:
Best bet would be an alt.

Oh, sorry, that's what I mean Fury. I was looking for someone to host an alt, but I'd like that player to have a pretty decent availability so that we can get stuff to-and-from the packhorse on a regular basis.