Guild Wars Event #9 Discussion


In Cryo Sleep

Yep, it's that time of the week again - Haven's period pain extravaganza! It also happens to coincide with the 9th installment of our Guild Wars adventure. Funny, that!

To summarise the event, we are planning on completing as many of the three desert missions - Elona Reach, Dunes of Despair and Thirsty River - as possible, before we drop dead of hunger and fatigue.

That is about it, if you are interested in sampling some desert delights then you can find the event here:

Guild Wars Event #9 - Fun and Excitement in the Dessert Desert

Over and out!


In Cryo Sleep
As expected, this was a real hard trudge. We managed to get to Augury Rock and complete the Dunes of Despair mission, but that was all we could take on the night. It's a hard, hard place, full of dead ends and twists and turns and dang-blasted SAND ELEMENTALS. Using blinding skills on our melee fighters, which cancelled about 95% of our damage-giving potential right there (two warriors and my minions).
Getting to the next two outposts should be a lot easier, and the missions themselves are a bit more forgiving.

I shall try and make the event for next week as soon as possible, but will probably end up Wednesday or Thursday again.

Thanks for joining me guys, and sorry you couldn't join us this week, fist.