Guild Wars Meet


In Cryo Sleep
Here is the first instance of our Guild Wars event, as per our discussion in the Guild Wars Activity thread. I think this first day will mostly consist of character creation (t'would be handy if we meet up on TS and discuss the finer points of character classes and what ones we need on the team) and bashing our way out of noobie isle and post-searing Ascalon in the original game.

We should try and meet up at around 3.00 in the afternoon on TS or Xfire etc., if thats a bit early for those of you with work or extraordinarily lazy sleeping patterns then we can easily rearrange it to a more suitable time.


Basically, for those that don't know, a bunch of us want to work our way through the main quests of Guild Wars and each of its expansions. It'll be long, tough and arduous but Guild Wars is a good game, it's got a great team element and a lot of people (myself included) never got around to finishing it the first time before the interest in GW cooled off. Thus, we'd like new hands and old hands alike.

For Ascalon!!!

P.S. Gombol is very special!


In Cryo Sleep
sorry I was unable to make it. I was down home for the weekend and didnt make it back until 9pm at night.


In Cryo Sleep
No probs Duren. In fact, Wraith asked me to help him get his character to the same stage we are now before our next meeting (he only just ordered the game, you see), if you really want to join in you could join us at the same time.


Active Member
No probs Duren. In fact, Wraith asked me to help him get his character to the same stage we are now before our next meeting (he only just ordered the game, you see), if you really want to join in you could join us at the same time.

I'll clarify that. I've only just ordered the original game (and Eye of the North). I already have Nightfall but apparently that's not good enough for you lot :p


In Cryo Sleep
Oops, sorry I misquoted you there Wraith. I'll have to change my name to OK Magazine next. By the way, it isnt that Nightfall isnt good enough, we'll work our way onto it eventually ;) but we wanna do the whole thing from start to finish, alpha to omega, top to bottom.


Super Moderator
Staff member
if you need another party member when you get to post searing give me a shout as i'm usually around


Super Moderator
Staff member
only if your in the army gom, go look up the greek alphabet and you'll find your answer


Super Moderator
Staff member
Dragon what time would be best for you? remeber that clocks go mad on Sun so we'll be meting 3PM GMT


Well-Known Member
5 o'clock would be best :) but even then I'm not sure, as I don't want my girlfriend for playing GW (she'd rip my balls off :( )