Guitar Hero 3


Staff member
I'm aware most of you can't get your hands on it yet, but it was released here on Sunday, so I figured I'd throw in my two cents now. (Also, it makes thatbloke angry that I got it first ;) ) My opinions here are based on the PS2 version, as that's what I bought (mostly because I already have two guitars for the ps2.) I'm sure the 360 & PS3 versions look much better, but I don't have them so I don't care.

So first of all, as I implied above, it's ugly. Like, really ugly. I'm sure this is because it wasn't developed for the PS2 first, like the other versions were, but it doesn't really matter. GH2 looked quite good on the dated PS2 hardware, GH3 looks more like a PSOne game. Normally the graphics aren't something that sway my opinion of a game heavily, but in this case because they're so bad when in the past they were quite good it really gets to me.

Carrying on with graphical changes, most of the characters have changed for the worst. Not only have they killed off some of the best ones (Clive, Eddie, Pandora) but they made the remaining characters ugly as sin, super creepy, incredibly slutty, or all of the above. The animations are pretty good, but they seem to have less than in the other games. The other band members now lip sync/play the right notes on the bass/hit the right drums, but sadly it looks absolutely ridiculous (especially the drummer.)

So, gameplay. It's guitar hero. Nothing new here. The songs are noticeably harder, sometimes to a pretty ridiculous extreme. Still, needless to say, if you're like most and just want more songs to play, this is what you need.

The new guitar battle mode is pretty meh, mostly about who nails a star power sequence first, making it more or less the same as the old battle mode.

Overall it's not terrible, somewhere around a 7/10. Bottom line is it'll do for now, but I'll need some serious convincing before I buy GH4.

Worth it for Paint it, Black and Welcome to the Jungle :)


Junior Administrator
I have to agree with BiG_D here on the graphical changes for the ps2 version. It looks worse than a ps1 game!!!

I am also having timing issues with it... The lag calibrations seems to have partly sorted out the issue but unless I am just REALLY rusty (possible i guess...) then I keep seeming to miss the notes as they hit the frets on-screen... it's kinda difficult to explain but a friend of mine is also experiencing the same.

Also... The hammer ons and pull offs seems to have gotten even easier again I think... when you have a long series of hammer-ons or pull offs I seem to be hitting them all even though it feels like I missed a couple of notes...

Ronin Storm

Staff member
Well, I have the 360 version and it looks really good. Looks like they dumbed down the graphics for the PS2 only...

I agree that the hammer ons have become easier and I'm really appreciating that. I was finding them tough in GH2.

I've not experienced any timing issues. I find that I am sometimes out of time but I can tell its me and with just a breath or two I can get back in sync. Some of the GH3 songs' timings are really difficult, more honky-tonk, and they take some getting used to. I don't remember so many GH2 songs having such tough timing.

The coop campaign is extremely cool. I've spent many hours this weekend playing it through with Rojaws and we've both had a load of fun. I highly recommend it.

The track set was an initial disappointment to me. I felt I didn't recognise a bunch of the songs and realised that in some cases I actually prefer cover versions of the originals used in GH3. However, as I played, many of the songs have grown on me. Miss Murder is happily singing away in the back of my mind as little green, red, yellow and blue buttons fly down my vision. It's cool. :)

The boss battles can be tough. Tom Morello was a walk over on medium. Slash was tougher. I've just been defeated by Lou. And that was medium. I dread to see them on hard...!

All in all, I'm loving GH3. Really happy I've picked it up. It's GH2, with a few kinks ironed out (for me), and more songs. Rar!

Or, as Bill and Ted would say...



Junior Administrator
Wooo I sorted out my timing issues with this last night - turns out that although I had calibrated the lag I hadn't set it anywhere near high enough.

Setting the lag at 70ms for the HDTV I am playing the game on suddenly meant I was hitting all the notes again and suddenly I was nailing 5 stars on most of the songs on hard mode (like I should be). That is quite a large difference really when you think about how close some of the notes can be... no wonder it kept registering lots of my button presses as misses...


Junior Administrator
I have the PS3 Version of this with a black guitar apparently :eek:

I never even knew ....

Ronin Storm

Staff member
My X360 version has a black guitar too... :)

Though you can change the guitar face-plate if you choose.


Junior Administrator
Staff member
You guys really need to make some youtube videos of yourselfs rocking while playing GH games :D.

I would so want to see that!