GW Update Screw up - How did it affect you?


Active Member
Well, last night during the update, I decided to get my monk past the long and teadious riverside province mission. The last time I tried it with the THN crowd my pc decided to spit in my eye and crash just before we were near completion.
I managed to join a group of people ready to do the mission and we got going. Not even a minute had gone by and we were all arguing over wether or not to do the bonus. One player wanted to run the mission, where the rest of us wanted to do the bonus. So being the arsehole that he was, he left the group leaving us as a five man group, one of which was a clueless warrior who ran into large groups, got himself killed and then blamed me for not healing.
To cut a long story short, we did amazingly well and totally kicked ass at the mission. In relief, I took a break from Guild Wars and then soon went to bed.
Today, I have just heard that the update was rolled back because of the economy problems. I logged into guild wars to see my monk right back at the start of riverside province. <insert dramatic scene involving screaming and kicking here>

So, has the update affected anyone else in similar ways? Has anyone logged in to find their character has had a sex change? Or are you missing a couple of ignots from your storage?


In Cryo Sleep
I bought a few superior runes and I think I will have lost my sanctum cay bonus completion, oh well.


Staff member
I'll have to wait until I can log on tonight - I shouldnt have lost anything as I was too tired/grumpy to play last night.


Staff member
damn I'll have lost that rare trade item "The inflatable Yak" that I finally managed to snag ...

Inflatable Yak
-10 Energy (but its worth it).
Value 1million platinum to the right buyer.
Requires: Wellies.


Junior Administrator
Staff member
Haven you are confusing reality with games again..... and its called a sheep not a yak :P


Junior Administrator
Perhaps that indicates a desire to be around yaks? Maybe the fields of York should be covered in Yaks instead of sheep (actually that would make sense, with the alliteration!) :D


In Cryo Sleep
Don't think I played at that time. However today I did lose a long quest because Guild Wars hung on the connect screen again (error 040 I think it was)... grrr, servers have been crap recently, I think it's to do with preparing for Factions


In Cryo Sleep
No, that was the first time and few people are having the error 40's as the servers are doing a massive upload. As soon as 24th March rools around and goes away the servers will be pristine for the forseeable future.


In Cryo Sleep
Don't think it's happened before, but I'd prefer they rolled the servers back than let the economy go completely unstable.

I'm liking some of the updates to skills that they made recently. I'm pretty sure Shielding Hands used to have at least a 1 second cast time and cost 10 energy, as well as have 30 second recharge. They lowered all of them, so it's now a viable cheap tank skill for my warrior :)


In Cryo Sleep
Uhm, did anyone have to download over 300MB of updates? Lucky I have 10MBit connection. I'm not sure if it has anything to with me defragging earlier, but that much seems a bit excessive. Theys should have streamed it over weeks for the people with slow connections, no wonder the servers have been struggling.


In Cryo Sleep
Bah, I can't connect at all now, but apparently other people can. :(

It just sits on the connect screen, I don't even get an error message.