

In Cryo Sleep
Hi guys.

just here to tell you al i got hacked and curently have no accces to my wow account. i am working on getting everything back to normal but according to what you can read on the wow forums it might take some time. so if you wonder why i havenot been online for some time then now you know.

cheers Kisper/vølven


In Cryo Sleep
Yo Kisper, sorry to hear about your troubles man. Barnezy had the same problem a while back. i hope you manage to get back in game soon dude.



Well-Known Member
Same here; it really sucks to here when good people suffer trouble like this... for all the third-party detection crap the Blizzard run, they still can't pick up a keylogger... *sigh*.. perhaps they should try to spy on the right stuff for once...


In Cryo Sleep
Its me again guys. today i was playing with one of my sisters char. and noticed that Kisper was online please note that it was NOT me but the hacker
i will tell you on the forums when i gain acces to my account again.

MVH Kisper/Vølven


In Cryo Sleep
You know, Vøl... I had sent 1K gold worth of mats for you to craft Battlecast pants for me. So, without knowing, the hacker screwed me as well (if you notice a BE Warlock walking with his legs strangely apart, you know what it was... :P ).

Hope you get that account up soon, mate!


Well-Known Member
I would so do that... whisper them with "gimme my account back, bitch" or something like that...