Hacked !!!


In Cryo Sleep
yes again they hacked me last nit between 3 am and 7:30 am this morning before i saw and changed my password from a different location this is BS i have reinstalled and i run a retail Norton 360 3.0 with spybot search and destroy wich is wat blizz recommended to me and yet i still get hacked they say authentictor now that other phones can use it but still im screwed by it as i cant get it for my phone its unavailable my phone is to "new" wat BS :mad: my characters are there but items are half gone they always leave me in my PVP gear well wats left of it at least . ima go cry in the back corner now ......


Active Member
All I can offer is the advise I gave in the other thread - you can get the authenticator on EVERY phone that can run Java apps. Search the google around, you'll find how.


Staff member
Also, I'd check that they don't have access to your gmail account or whatever... Change your passwords for EVERYTHING, not just the game.

You also said you changed the password from a different location... You'll need to check every computer you've ever used as well.


Junior Administrator
*something* you are doing is causing them to get hold of your password.

I can't say what, but if you don't have any spyware installed then it must be some website you are visiting. (Perhaps said website(s) are themselves being hacked?)

Is your account being shared with anyone other than yourself? Is it possible that they are somehow mis-using your details?


In Cryo Sleep
Get an authenticator, mate. It's the one "safer" way to do things, considering the insistence of the hacking crew and the obvious vulnerabilities on your machine.


In Cryo Sleep
Yep. I got hacked and authenticator is absoloutely fantastic. It fits on your keyring and isnt alot of hassle at all.


Well-Known Member
When you've gotten your computer cleaned of any trojans and keyloggers and suchlike, I'd recommend getting rid of the biggest bit of malware on your system: Norton. Get AVG or something similar if you need a virus guard, Norton does more hurt than help.


New Member
Norton is the worst pile of rubbish you can ever have on your PC. I personally suggest you clean your HDD of viruses (using Norton), then install both AVG (brilliant anti-virus software) and the Spybot: Search and Destroy program, which imo is the best virus-removing program you can have on your PC.

It would also be wise to change every single password you may be using on every application, website and game. This includes email, Blizzard and even, if absolutely neccessary, your network key and ISP password.


Super Moderator
Staff member
[Response] Hacked !!! - Solution

Hacked. Ouch. That is painful.

  • Get rid of Norton
  • Get AVG for now (Even though it hogs memory during scans, it can find most things)
  • SpyBOT: Search and Destroy
  • Scan with AVG. Then SpyBOT
  • Update both applications
  • Clear your browser cache(s)
  • Update Flash from Adobe's site
  • Scan again
  • Change every single password just to be on the safe side
  • If possible: Get a keyring authenticator. If not: HowTo - Mobile authenticator on phones

Added notes:
If possible, check and clean other computers you have accessed, should there be any others.
Recommended browser: FireFox with AdBlock+ and FlashBlock plugins.
If using Windows, start->Run..->cleanmgr -> [OK] once or twice per week or if you have come in contact with any shady sites.(shady also counting sites that may have gold advert or adult rated flash banners)
Only have browser running on trusted sites or pref not running at all whilst logging onto battle.net


New Member
Aye, I remember running AVG and it registered Norton 2005 as a malware. Then again I've had Search and Destroy register uTorrent as a virus before o_O


Super Moderator
Staff member
Didn't some versions of Norton get officially classified as malware a while back?

Those who have done thurough testing would call it that, yes.
Even more so after Symantec gulped down Sygate as well.

A quote from someone who apparently worked for the Symantec Norton tech support:

Posted by JimV - 10/11-2007
Haha...I used to work for Norton tech support before they outsourced it to a different company. People would call in who got Norton Internet Security preinstalled on their machine, and 9 times out or 10, it would block their internet access. Usually it would be because they clicked "block" when asked whether or not to grant IE or AOL access to the net. Sometimes it would be because Norton Internet Security didn't uninstall right and left it's network drivers installed, and without the program to control the drivers, the network just got hosed up.

The worst part of those calls was that we were supposed to charge the customer 29.95 for support calls. Imagine that...some POS program comes loaded on your computer, f's up your internet access through little fault of your own, and you have to pay to get it fixed/removed. I almost never actually charged people the fee. Got me in hot water with management, but at least I still have my soul.
(Did a quote because I have been up for 24h and had a hectic day :p )


In Cryo Sleep
It took many long and arduous years for my brother and I to convince our dad that Norton Antivirus is a piece of merde. One day, shortly after swearing that Norton was bombproof, my dad found that a virus had slipped the net and infected his PC. Oh, how we laughed! It was AVG from then on out.


Super Moderator
Staff member
[Snip]my dad found that a virus had slipped the net and infected his PC. Oh, how we laughed! It was AVG from then on out.

Well. Some have to learn the hard way :p

Norton was not all bad...in the beginning. But as the years went by, the application became worse and worse. These days I wouldn't recommend it to anyone. EVER :p
F-Secure was alright for about 2.6 years. But started to slip as well.(The filters lets too much stuff slip by undetected.)
McAfee is still good. But mostly I would recommend that for things like mail protection and suchlike.
AVG has it's flaws. But it finds a lot more things than most other antivirus apps. (Unless we count C-O-M-O-D-O AV. But since the free version is stuck to an internet security center with a firewall that doesn't work as intented, it isn't really recommended until they can fix the darn thing. And that is not going to happen any time soon)
Will not say that AVG is -perfect-. It makes mistakes. But it makes less mistakes than most other AV apps.
So. Yeah. For those reading. Recommended to stick with AVG. (Especially on Windows operating systems. Yikes. Win is a magnet for viruses and the likes)


In Cryo Sleep
I remember Norton providing me with such endless "lol" factor when auditing company systems' security. I could basically inject most anything in the system and it wouldn't blink. It was quite effective at screwing some Ajax based web pages, which had nothing but animations to them, so if the purpose was to really screw up your system, they succeeded admirably. :p