Happy Birthday Bart!


Well-Known Member
Happy Birthday elBarticus! Go pwn some noobs! :D *cough*Ronin, he's asking for it*cough*. :p


19 years old and you still havn't taken over the world Bart?

Happy Birthday you big Nublet.

P.S. My estonians comming on great :p.


Junior Administrator
Staff member
Happy Birthday you strange Estonian Evil Mastermind you!

Actually saying that is it me or is Bart mellowing with age?


In Cryo Sleep
Thank you guys . Appreciate it a lot .
Though I haven't been active lately at all :/ .
Just that you started playing a game where we couldn't clash anymore and :) randomly popping to Teamspeak to flame you has bored me and it is tiresome .

Anyways :) I'm going to Spain in August. 7-22 . I hope I'll see you there (hehehe)