Happy Birthday Bloke


In Cryo Sleep
Happy birthday MR T. Have a wiked time in America and dont forget to come back!


(gimme a shout if ur going to le pub)


Junior Administrator
How old????

Bappy Hirfday buddy!!

Hope it's a good one, enjoy america and takes loadsa pictures!


Junior Administrator
whoa, thanks all!!!!

Can't watch bob's vids atm as i'm at work... will do later.

Dunno about civ4: colonization, will probably get it it when i get back from America - I fly out there tomorrow and won't be back in this country till the 9th October!

And birdy: I'll probably be going to le pub when I get back, you can come along then :)

O and i'm now a quarter of a century old... and until May i'll be half my dad's age o_O