Happy Birthday Ghostwolf

Ronin Storm

Staff member
It's not all that often that I get to write happy birthday messages for newer members...

So, Happy Birthday Ghostwolf! Hope you have a great day. :)


Well-Known Member
Thanks guys, its been a pretty good birthday so far, all two hours of it have been awesome.

Highlights so far have been
1. setting a new high score on Resi evil 4 mercenaries (which we have in my living room and me and mates are hooked on) that will surely be unbeatable by my arch rival. I have cast down the gauntlet and he will never be able to rise form the ashes of this defeat. Well maybe for about a week

2. Eating my birthday cake which was a two layer chocolate fudge cake. Why was this impressive you ask? Well instead of removing one cake from atop the other then cutting it, we cut the two cakes as one and had double decker slices which enhances the chocolate fudge experience.

3. Reading excerpts from a joke book encyclopedia that was a generous gift from my parents. Man is lying on his death bed and turns to his wife "Grant me my final request" he asks her "Of course i will" she replies. "Marry Joe," "But i thought you hated joe?" "Yeah i do,"

I'm sure there will be more merryment to be had but before then sleep must occur. I'll keep you posted.


HAPPY HALLOWEEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

(im not wrong...just a bit early >_>)
