Happy Birthday St David


New Member
Dunno if it's his b'day, but oh well...

Happ b'day to the only native patron saint in Britain!


In Cryo Sleep
sorry hard, just cos no other saints would take u hehe, btw what did st david actually do? not bneing sarcy i actually want to know


In Cryo Sleep
If you want to know, Gopha, then take initiative and use Wikipedia.
There'll be some surprises when you start looking for St. David or the patron saint of Britain. :)

Fuzzy Bunny

Or Saint Nicholas, patron saint of prostitutes.

There's also Saint Isidore, patron saint of the Internet.

You may also want to consult this Index of Patron Saints for more fun :)


In Cryo Sleep
The character Santa Claus is based on St. Nicholas and the british Father Christmas, yes. The Netherlands, Belgium and parts of Germany and France celebrate St. Nicholas (sinterklaas, sankt niklaus), with presents.

He's also much more than just the patron of prostitutes, you know. 99% of the people here don't know anyway, in fact i bet 99% don't know he's an actual saint. :)


New Member
Pestcontrol said:
If you want to know, Gopha, then take initiative and use Wikipedia.
There'll be some surprises when you start looking for St. David or the patron saint of Britain. :)

So exactly how is a fetish clothing magazine related to a search for patron saints? :S


New Member
KillCrazy said:
Fetish clothing magazine? Since when did wikipedia turn into that???

No no no, theres an article about a fetish clothing magazine that 'relates' to a search for the patron saint of GB.