Happy Birthday Zooggy


Junior Administrator
Staff member
Ahey, :)

First off, appologies for the bumpage.

I just wanted to belatedly thank you folks for this. :) I wasn't reading the more general forums outside of the WoWage thing at the time (though I am now), so I never knew this was being done.

But, having read two such threads recently, I thought to myself, I wonder if...

So, I scrolled back a few pages, and, yeay! :)

So, again, thanks for this!


Ronin Storm

Staff member
It has been said before but I'll say it again for clarity.

THN is first and foremost a community. Sure, we've got guilds and clans kicking about and they're not necessarily open access but the community that is THN is open to all who can keep to our very simple rules. And what kind of community would we be if we didn't celebrate stuff with our members? :)

So, you're most welcome. :)