A bit more info for those that are interested, here's a post I made to the dev list a while ago:
We're now official participants of world ipv6 day. Should be able to see us listed at:
All servers on TheHavenNet (Saratoga, Promethius, Nostromo and Destiny) have been running with ipv6 enabled for a few months now (since mid march). This means that you are able to browse any of THN's sites using either ipv6 or ipv4.
There's a deferent link to the above for all participants:
Check out whether your favourite web-site(s) have signed up.
The link for ipv6 day (today) is:
If you want to see whether you current network connection is ipv6 enabled then visit this link:
I signed us up because I wanted to test out ipv6 myself on my own kit (as well as a little shameless promotion for the awesomeness that is us). And hopefully this will help give some ISP's and co-location centre's the impetus they need to start making ipv6 more widely available to customers so we can start to leave the aging ipv4 behind.
Happy ipv6'ing!