Hard Modes


Active Member
Hey folks,
I'm not sure what you lot were doing in ToC last night, it may have been a hard mode, I don't know... But either way, I think that with us struggling to make 25mans happen we could try accomodating some hard modes into our raiding - ToC, hell, even Ulduar. Not neccessarily on regular basis, but I would like to know if there would be interest from the more more experienced and geared of us in doing something like this at least once to try if it's doable and then maybe take it from there...? Point is, there is only so often we can go to ICC and regular ToC is boring nowadays for some of us :)

Post your thoughts, post if you would like to come, post if you would like to lead it... I'm merely a catalyst here :)


P.S.: If this happens to actually come to fruitition and we get a hardmode run going, please do not feel cheated if you are not included. I, for one, wouldn't - it will require rather good gear and knowing your classes and fights really well. That's just a disclaimer, I don't want to dissuade anyone from expressing interest in this!!


Staff member
Yup very interested - was going to suggest this myself but you beat me too it :)


Well the reason there was a normal totc 10 man is because even though there was a sign up page for an event no-one bothered to do anything so i managed to get a group together including a new tank and a new healer (veshi and thingy) who i might add did very well in thier roles .. and after a couple of teething problems we cleared the whole place and done ony 10 with very few wipes... so my hat off to the group from last night we all did really well and instead of alot of shouting and blaming we all made input that got us through...just goes to show that 1 man dont know it all!.. i do think that its a bad idea to dis-regard places like totc 10 as we still have up and coming tanks/healers and dps which we need to get geared to enable us to get a well geared group for things like 25 mans (which we just don't have yet) there is no point in having 15 well geared people on and 25 man if they have to carry the other 10...

I know that alot of the officers and the well geared people dont want to do totc 10 and the like as they dont get anything outta it, but you will be stuck in your little rut if you dont help other people get geared for your 25 mans.... your choice....

I am quite happy to lead a totc 10/ony10/voa 10 for anyone who would like to get geared and to get raid experience.. i will have a chat with some officers at some point and try and arrange a good night for these runs.


Staff member
Happy to run ToTC on normal as well as heroic mode. There's obviously a higher gear requirement for heroic but no reason raids cannot be organised for both.


Active Member
Burrick, while I wholeheartedly agree with you and am glad to hear you organized a run that helped people, you missed the point of this post. I wasn´t suggesting people don´t gear up, I was issuing a challenge to those who would not benefit from said runs.

On a sidenote, while I occassionally dont mind running an instance that doesn´t yield me any onspec gear other than badges, with T9 so easily attainable there should be no problem running ToC with JUST people who are gearing up, rather than have them "dragged through". Again, I dont mind helping, but it is not really needed.

So please, let´s not let this thread devolve into discussions about gearing new 80s up or lack of helpful spirit, that´s not what it is supposed to be about.


New Member
First of all, Angel, I wanted to sugest this as well :P Even though ToC 'normal' is nice and fun, I think we need to gear up more for ICC ( the 'new'bosses there are really hard). So we could do ICC and Toc Hardmode for gearing up!

Second, Burrick, you are not completly right. I am well geared ( might even be the best geared priest in this guild) and I am always up for helping and I know there are more good geared people willing to help!

Third, yesterdays raid was really, really awesome. It has been a while since I had so much fun in a raid. Thx for that ;)

Fourth, lets go and do some hardmodes :D


Yup ok fair enough.. i was not having a pop at everyone who is well geared in the guild and sorry if it came across like that.. it was only directed at a select few who i think know who they are.

i am up for hardmodes and icc's without a doubt but still wanna get people (including myself) geared asap so we can all do them :)


Junior Administrator
Staff member
Ahey, :)

Cool initiative. By the way, I'll have you know this exact topic is being debated on the officers' forum since yesterday, so, nice timing as well. :)

I'm up for healing pretty much any of this stuff. Hopefully, I will go into ToC heroic once and once only, but if it takes more times, it takes more times... ;)



Active Member
might even be the best geared priest in this guild
No, you're not :P

*inspects armory* Alright you probably are >.< Not sure about your holy gear, but if it's anything like the shadow version, then *gasp*

Right, we need more!