Healing gear


Hi all ... as you may or may not know im a ret pally at the moment but im gonna be off-speccing to become a healer for our guild as i see we are a bit short of em ..
This is just a quick post to ask anyone who finds any blue/epic healing gear to please give me a chance to buy it from you before it goes in the AH ... with any luck i will have a decent set soon and will be able to help out in the likes of kara and maybe more :)

Thanks all ..



Junior Administrator
You will find that any BoE items that someone gets but cannot use are given to anyone in the guild who requires them. You shouldn't have to pay a penny - at least from fellow guildies anyway...


Oh ok well that is brilliant :) but ofc i do understand that if something special is found that is worth alot i dont mind giving at least a token payment ... but thanks for the heads up


Junior Administrator
Also - I can do the epic +healing enchant on legs. get me the mats if u want one making at some point :)


Thank you very much ... as soon as i get some legs that are worth enchanting i will give you a shout :)


New Member
You'd really need to start grinding the D3 gear from instances and/or Heroic gear for the offspec items.


ok thanks for the advice mate i wil start doing that .. im hoping to get into a kara group as ret this weekend so with any luck i might get some gear from there :)


Ignore the above comment, there is no good D3 Holy pladin loot. Go get the Ornamented sets from PvP (even the blues are a good start) and stack yourself up with as much spell crit you can get. Only way to heal as a paladin is through crits.


New Member
It was first thing in the morning, wasn't thinking of paladin gear for some reason >.<

True, I skipped the D3 set and started going for the epics. The PvP gear is also good and makes a very good start for gearing up. If you can get your bonus healing at about 1000-1200 after a respec then you might want to think about joining kara runs as a healer to gain more decent gear.

+healing is the largest number you would want as a paladin healer, but you must have these backed up with spell crit and mana regen otherwise you will fail quickly like I used to. Spell Crit means better heals and keeps your mana up.