Hello welcome to SOCA, how would you like you're secret police run?


In Cryo Sleep
::fingers snap::
::melodic note::
::fingers snap again::

Who can take your rights out?
Stomp them down for you?
Grab you by the arm and do the twisty thingy too?

The SOCA-man can,
yes the SOCA man can

Who can violate your privacy?
Sprinkle you in handcuffs?
And he does it with a smile and judges you.

The SOCA-man can,
yes the SOCA man can
'Cause he's government Man



Staff member

I wonder what percentage of malcontents it actually takes in a society to drive it into anarchy. In todays climate of wealth and comfort draconian laws can be easily pushed through as the populace is more concerned with their worldly comforts than idle speculation on issues such as freedom and rights.

Only when the things get bad will the populace once again look critically at their freedoms and rights in order to evaluate what they truly own.

I dont think we've seen the worst that can be inflicted - in an information economy thoughts and DNA are a rare currency worth posessing. We just need the thought police to come up with reliable technology to predict malcontents via their genetic makeup and analyse thought patterns and we have fullfilled our orwellian dream.

The bottom line as always is that the laws are only applicable with the means to enforce them and the enforcers can only enforce with the right information available to them - this is taken under the massive assumption that their positions are not abused and that they focus on enforcing the law rather than furthering their own causes.

Those with the means will always be able to beat the system, the only way to remove those means is to remove all rights but that still leaves the enforcement issue.

I've lots of thoughts spilling out here so I'm going to stop and take stock.

In the spirit of slashdot; "I for one welcome our new overlords".
*wanders off to violate a few more copyrights*