Help me please :D


In Cryo Sleep
Hey guys

I'm currently working on my final year dissertation and other assignments and was hoping that some of you could take the time to do a short questionnaire i have devised.

It is basically about piracy of pc games, and cheating in online environments, I'm hoping to get some opinions about these issues in from as many gamers as possible and will be posting this all over the place.

All responses will be anonymous, and the information gathered will only be for use within my dissertation.

(if anyone finds any errors with it please feel free to inform me so i can update it)

It should not take more than a few minutes and your impute will be greatly appreciated.


Junior Administrator
It saddens me that I can no longer select the 18-25 age group :(

Also you made a typo on the word "currency" in the "how much do you spend" question


Active Member
Filled in with comments, it was very refreshing and i felt the questions were what should be asked.
If you have cheated, what were your reasons?
In this question there is a comma in the options where a point or full stop should be.


Staff member
Captain warez whore has incriminated himself ... erm I mean I've filled in your survey. By the way did you know that Haven was really an alias for Nanor ...

*runs off to pack his bags and hide in a cave somewhere*

Dr Drae

In Cryo Sleep
Just doing it now, but appropriate in the question:

"On average much do you spend games in a year? * (if you use different currency, please tick which ever is most apropriate)"

is spelt wrong.

Good luck! :)

Oh, I lost the game several times too. XD