Help needed configuribg a joystick

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New Member
Ive never used a joystick with a pc before, and im having no luck configuring a Logitech Attack 3 joystick for playing BF2.
It is working fine on test mode.
But it wont work in game, or let me configure in the Aircraft/Controls section.
Has anybody gone through anything like this before?

A search of BF2 forums has given me no answers, as yet.


What do you mean it wont work ingame? When you set the controls ingame, you do so by moving the joystick in the desired axis (ie, pitch forward -> move joystick forward, this is (usually) positive x-axis). I haven't looked at the specs for the joystick, but if it has buttons, it should work too.

Are you saying that the game doesn't pick up the joystick movements? Is it USB? Either way, have you restarted windows since you installed the joystick? Looking in Device Manager, are there any problems with the Joystick? My USB stick worked out of the box in BF2 once I restarted windows... Look for problems with the joystick rather then problems with BF2 - try it in another game maybe? Even to just walk around.


I got a joystick and had no problems with it just calibrated it in control pannel and then changed my controls in game.

Can't really think of anything but just make sure its status is "OK". e.g.


Well-Known Member
I have the exact same Joystick, I just plugged it in and configured it in the options and it worked fine.


New Member
elDiablo hit the nail on the head with "restart your pc"
Everything is now fine and dandy.
Its an eyeopener for me flying jets, but dam, using a joystick makes it so very much easier.
After spending about 30 mins configuring on a empty server, I went on a public and shot my first enemy jet down. YaY.



Restarting is always what windows needs! If you cant be bothered to do a whole restart though, you can open task manager, kill explorer, and then (in the task manager) click file -> run, and type explorer. This restarts the registry, and usually does the same as a reboot. Not always, but usually.
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