Help required


New Member
Yep, little old me needs some help.

Actually thats not true. I need a lot of help.

I am at the end of 2 quest chains, and cannot solo or even 3 man the last part of either.

1. Kill Araj in the plaguelands. This needs a 5 man party at the very least.

2. The battle of Darrowshire. This needs at least 10 level 60's IMO. 15 would be ideal.

The Araj quest is very straight forward. Its a simple fight against a very tough mob who surround Araj, but you must have the numbers to take them on.

The battle of Darrowshire is an entirerly different matter. It will involve killing wave after wave of Elite undead in the Eastern plaguelands. The fight will last approx 20 mins, so the more people who come, then the bigger the chance of success.

Anybody who is level 50 and above is welcome to join in.

It would be ideal to do both quests on the same night. It shouldnt take more than an hour in total.


Junior Administrator
Staff member
Im up for the Araj killing since I have that quest to get the scholomance key.

Would be a good idea for others in 50's to do the quest chain it's pretty simple.

Think first part is gathering bone parts off skeletons western plaguelands given by a guy inbetween where undercity and western plaguelands is (The Bulwark) They then get fused in Ungoro and you then have to kill Araj. I think.


Staff member
Sounds good to me - get a date posted up so we know when this is happening and I'll let you know if I can make it.


Well-Known Member
I'm at the same stage for both, need to kill Araj and complete the Battle of Darrowshire. From what I've heard, a group of 10 level 60 players working together properly (co-ordinated and with TS, for example) can do the battle, but the more the merrier (and less chances of a cock-up).


New Member
I actually completed the Araj quest last night with a 4 man party.

There is a knack to this quest, that makes it very very simple, and I will help anybody who wants to do it.

The battle of Darrowshire is still in my log book, so hopefully we could still kill 2 birds with one stone.


New Member
Another update...

Completed the Battle of Darrowshire last night.

I organised a 11 man raid for this quest. And boy, did we need the numbers. This quest is pretty straight forward - Fight off a succession of waves of Undead + they throw a couple of Elites and a few Elite bosses at you as well.
You do have a few NPC's to aid, and as long as you pull the fight to them you should be able to safely complete this quest without anybody dying on you.

Fight duration - 20 mins

And just to round off the raid party nicely, we took down the Barov from the Alliance camp in W.Pl

And as a sort of an afterthought - We also 4 man'd Axtroz (World Elite Dragon Boss).

I am beginning to think we might just be getting quite good at this game.

Anybody up for a bit of Onyxia bashing later ???