help with scanned image problems


New Member
Right. I drew a map. I wanted to colour this map in Paint. So I scanned it as a .bmp into Microsoft Photo Editor, then saved it. I opened it in Paint. It opened fine, but when I used the 'fill' function to colour in the sea blue, it only coloured in one pixel! So, basically, does anyone know how to make it so that when I 'fill' in an area (e.g. the sea) of a scanned image, it fills the entire area, not just one pixel?

For those interested, HERE is the map in question.


Well-Known Member
You could draw around the black bits with the polygon thing and then fill it is the only way I can think of...


Staff member
The answer, of course, is to use a program for editing graphics. Paint does not qualify.


Junior Administrator
Just had a play with that myself. I suspect that that image is not just "black and white" - When you do a fill it fills in the area that you click on, plus all adjacent pixels of the same colour. Now you may be seeing them as black or white but if that isn't actually what they are then that's where the problem lies.

If you use some kind of image editing software that could convert it to use just two colours, (probably black and white for what you need) I reckon that should give you the defined edges you need to be able to fill the various areas you want easily.


In Cryo Sleep

I just filled this one quickly in photoshop. I hope its the right idea, if not the large planes of colour should be exactly the same so it should be easy to fill in paint if you want to change it. By the way, I had to close in the land and sea entirely to fill it properly, thats why there are thick black lines at the side.


In Cryo Sleep
yeah, you'll find that when it scans it in, it picking up many tones of white. therefore it'll only fill in the area with the same tone - ie one pixel - you could try the erase tool first in the area that you want to colour and then it'll erase any colour thats there first :)


New Member
Thank you Tets! Exactly how I wanted it!

yeah, you'll find that when it scans it in, it picking up many tones of white. therefore it'll only fill in the area with the same tone - ie one pixel - you could try the erase tool first in the area that you want to colour and then it'll erase any colour thats there first :)

How about if I scanned it in just black and white? Or would it pick up different shades?


In Cryo Sleep
Yeah it will pick up very light shades of grey. If you whack it into photoshop, you can adjust the fill sensitivity to colour change (ie not as sensitive)


In Cryo Sleep
If it's like Corel Photo Paint, there's a "tolerance" setting for the fill function - set this to zero and it only fills in pixels exactly the same as the one you first click on. If you increase the tolerance, it fills in pixels that are close to the first one...if that makes any kind of sense..