Heroic Afternoon: Sunday

Dr Drae

In Cryo Sleep
Events up by the way guys; hopefully some signups and we'll be able to get this ball rolling. ^_^

Dr Drae

In Cryo Sleep
I'm up for it, hopefully one-two HC's at least. *flexes tankular muscles*

I think we need a themetune for this:


Agreed. Motion carried. That is now the theme song. Everyone attending is required to play that as a loud as is possible for them, whilst battling through their instance. For extra points.

Enya, if any video is made of epic heroicness that day, this has to go over it. ;D


Ive signed for sunday,

can either heal or dish out some awesome 8-10k dups. (im amazed at hitting this amount with facerolling over my keyboard...)



I'm probably available to fill in any tank, heal or dps spots if needed. Not going to sign up, just poke me if you're short on anything :)