Dr Drae
In Cryo Sleep
Right, I'm capitalising on the excellent suggestions in the Raiding: Expectations thread. So hopefully starting this week, I'ma be chucking out invites to the entire Trial Raider + of the guild, as well as anybody else who wants to join, for Heroic Runz, and possibly the occasional Fun Run, because we all need to relax in our raiding occasionally. ;D
So what I want to know is, aside from the raid nights, as we can't use them, what are the preferred days? It's always hard to make a night for everyone, so hopefully we'll try working around that, but for now, just chuck in when you're free, voice up your suggestions, tell me if you want in. I'll be keeping a list. Checking it twice, etc. ;D
So what I want to know is, aside from the raid nights, as we can't use them, what are the preferred days? It's always hard to make a night for everyone, so hopefully we'll try working around that, but for now, just chuck in when you're free, voice up your suggestions, tell me if you want in. I'll be keeping a list. Checking it twice, etc. ;D