Hey its me!


In Cryo Sleep
Hey its me...that fella some of you may remember ;) I know I've been abit..hmm...absent for the last year, but things are going to change!

Whats been happening around here anyway? I've been talking to Duren and apparently you've all got a serious WoW addiction now! Tut tut! What happened to BF2? :)

I'm just back from my first holiday in 10years...needless to say I wish I was still away :) I done a tour around Toronto, Washington D,C, Dover and New York city with my mum, uncle + aunt aswell as some of my aunts crazy scotish friends! My cousins wife had a kid when we were visiting them in Delaware aswell, so that was a pretty cool experience. Not the most stress free for them mind as the kid had jaundice!

The american culture is something else..I can tell you that much. Not to mention the amount of food those guys eat...geez!

Anyway I'll be around more often than usual, unfortunatly tho I won't be attending THN bootcamp this year, as I've got abit of a money issue with starting UNI soon so ...maybe next time!


In Cryo Sleep
Hey welcome back! :) I recently toured around the south-west area of the U.S. and I can definatly agree with you about the food and culture.


Junior Administrator
Staff member
Its weird I'm feeling all 2005 :D Good to see you back again Sniper get WOW you know you want to.

Think ive still got the video of the fireworks at portrush with you putting the girlie scream at the end ;)


In Cryo Sleep
Hah thats funny "dusty plum job", I can only feel sorry for you all :(.

"ears perk up" who said CS:S?!?? :D Gimmie a shout on Xfire or whatever sometime..we should probably organise an event for it?

SgtFury: LMAO I remember that...whatever was I thinking with such impressions :E!

Woman Driver

I'll be back!

=] I would post a thread of my own but i'm lazy. DeZ can you do it for me? You're better at wordy situtaions and stuf.

But yes! I'll come back and join in on anything involving CSS!
I miss it dreadfully. :(

I've missed THN.


p.s. Haven........*Hugs*


In Cryo Sleep
Woman Driver! How wonderful it is to see you back again! At last, the THN elite are regrouping and maybe we can push it forward again.