Hey what happened to teamspeak ?


Staff member
Morning All

I've updated the FAQ on teamspeak so that you can all find out the address of our current teamspeak server.

As part of this could you all change the server address that you connet to so that it reads:
You should only have to do this once and it means we can redirect you all to a different server without you having to change anything if we have any issues in the future. If you don't want to do this then thats fine - it just means your teamspeak will break whilst ours will continue to work when we next change things :)

Passwords and usernames are carried between server instances so you shouldn't have to change those.



Staff member
Morning Kirby

Ta for pointing this out - the truth is that we have still not got serenity up and running properly - we've been trying some new tricks and unfortunately they haven't worked out so we're still working on it in the background.

Once serenity is back up and running properly then this will start to work again.


Active Member
lt.kirby said:
sry but its the only thing i could think to put this in apart from making a new thread...
its only little well very little (but very liitle helps :p)
any-way on teamspeak when u join you get the little server massage ... http://theheavennet.org.uk that link does not work for me... but http://www.thehavennet.org.uk does??? could u have a look plz.


Have you checked that you spelled it right for the link that's not working? It's just that the link you specified above actually says heaven not haven.

I assume that was just a typo on here but I thought I'd point it out in case you want to check ;)



Junior Administrator
Wraith said:
I assume that was just a typo on here but I thought I'd point it out in case you want to check ;)

Nah, everyone knows the best way to heaven is through (The) Haven (Net). Duh! ;) :p

Also the www. in the link does occasionally make a difference, depending on the DNS configuration.


aye i can only get into the website if i add the www. =P

non-www for the win!


In Cryo Sleep
yer sry about the spelling on the top ost but its the www. bit thats not there what makes the link not work.