"Hidden Sun" Roleplay


Well-Known Member
Vonya and myself have been planning an RP arc for a while now (well, Vonya came up with the idea and I jumped on the bandwagon), and I thought now would be as good a time as any to announce it; it concerns a hidden faction known as the Hidden Sun, a potentially very dangerous network of Sin'dorei origins. Involvement in the RP will mean attempting to get closer to the network to uncover their secrets and ultimately expose them and bring them down.

Anything other than very light participation in this RP will, unfortunately, require some specific RP mods that we've gathered; namely flagRSP (or equivalent mods), Ephemeral, and Gryphonheart Reputation. I'll put these three into a mini-modpack along with the mod Lore (a language mod, nifty little thing) for any who wish to take part.

We'll start the RP arc when the plans are finalised and we're ready to "let people in". More details can be posted here later, and I suggest that you download the mods and play with them if you're interested; getting used to them can't hurt, after all.

A few small notes before I post the modpack; firstly, this RP is open to any Horde-side roleplayers on the realm, not just to members of The Haven. Secondly, Ephemeral might be a tad buggy at times, but we will be using it quite heavily, so it is a necessity. If it goes really weird, a /reload or a relog tends to fix it well enough.

If there are any major questions/comments, just shout, although if people are after details, we can't give many just yet.

Modpack will go up here: www.umbrael.com/thn/mods/rpmods.zip


New Member
Hoping to schedule the start of this very soon, possibly mondays or tuesdays after 1pm. Times will vary depending on people coming along and when lith/syra decide to RP when I'm on Vonya.