High ping? :(


In Cryo Sleep
Are the Alien Swarm servers ok? Have they moved? Before I left (on the 18th December) I was experiencing occasional packet loss on the THN servers, but the ping was usually below 80.

I got back today and the ping is nearly always 100+, usually between 120 and 150. It's actually seems less laggy however, but naturally reactions are delayed a bit. Just wondering if anything has changed, or if it's just me. Particularly since you now have this fancy new site (love it btw)


Fuzzy Bunny

The THN servers have been more laggy as of late, it was nearly unplayable during the Telic event that didn't quite come together.

Ronin Storm

Staff member
I've only play a couple of times and I had a really bad patch and a pretty decent one afterwards.


Staff member
Yeah, I hear that Carth fellow is sitting on quite the phat connection right now...


Staff member
The more donations we get - the more possible this will be. Without money we have no means to improve the servers we run.


In Cryo Sleep
Appearantly pings are high again for some people in the uk and ireland due to a faulty hop somewhere in the UK.

Fuzzy Bunny

Narayan (from Holland) was also lagging quite a bit yesterday and had no idea why. I was blamed because I had my usual ping of 200+ :(


In Cryo Sleep
He said he had isp trouble. He shouldn't be routed over the faulty hop in the UK, but it could be another faulty hop. They're never in short supply. :)


Staff member
I thought the whole idea of this internet thing was that if there's a faulty hop, you will be routed away from it...

Ronin Storm

Staff member
Big D said:
if there's a faulty hop, you will be routed away from it

Where did you get that mad idea?

In my experience, fault redundant pathways only take place at borders of major networks because, in Europe, bandwidth is screamingly expensive (unlike over in the US). Within a network? Depends on whether discovery protocols are enabled amongst other things, and I've worked in an environment where they had all discovery protocols disabled because they create too much overhead on the network.

The World Wide Web really isn't much of a "web". It's more of a loosely collected bunch of independent networks that all believe all the others are morons who can't configure their routers correctly and only peer begrudgingly because otherwise no traffic would go anywhere. Least ways, that's how it seemed at Planet Online when I was there some years back... :eek:

Fault tolerant? Like hell.


In Cryo Sleep
I recall reading internet and especially the peering part of it are basically a gentleman's agreement. It's showing some cracks too, ISP's are looking to charge sites like youtube and google video for the bandwidth they generate on their networks. I think it's capitalist nonsense as it's the end user who's supposed to pay for it, and they do already. :)

There should be a UN resolution that requires all nations who signed the bill to abide by laws created by a nonprofit governing organisation, which can then require all networks to meet certain standards in quality of service, and sanction in case of failure, regardless of nationality or local jurisdiction. Effectively making the internet a state of its own.

Oh, sweet dreams of what should be.


Staff member
Carth if you have issues then to a traceroute and post it up - that will show us all where the issue lies on route to serenity. We also should remember that we're paying for cheap bandwidth with valueserver so its obviously never going to be as reliable as paying lots more for a better quality peerage.