Holidays Rule!!!


In Cryo Sleep
hello all...

i wont be about for pr for about the next 2 weeks on Friday :( (i likely Pr)
going on holiday to the Mediterranean on a very big boat!!!

We are passing though Southampton so eld... come wave us off lol :p

i wont be on the internet for 2 weeks :eek: which means no BF2 for me !!! (i need BF2, me live BF2) muhhahaha....

traxata is not coming... mum and dad are not paying for his holidays any more lol !!! he to fat and ugly to bin seen in public lol :p

ill speak to most of you when i re-turn....(crispy)!!!


Well, have a good time, and enjoy yourself! See you when you get back mate.


In Cryo Sleep
muhahahahaha you cant stop the bitching !!! it will live on forever!!!!!

*lt.kirby crys out an evil little laugh* Muhahahehehahahehe