Holy Crap it's Nanor's 18th Birthday


Junior Administrator
Staff member
Wow the little man has grown up :D Why I remember when.......

Wait a sec.... that means Nanor was born when Summertime by Jazzy Jeff and Fresh Prince first came out? God I feel old now........ :(

Happy Birthday Squirt! :D


Well-Known Member
Haha, thanks guys! Yeah, was out last night and got quite razzled. Working tonight and tomorrow which is a bit of a downer but from Monday on I have a free house for two weeks so I'll celebrate proper then.

Got £1100 and a TV. :D


Staff member
*sniff* I remember those formative years. Our nanums is all grown up *sniff*

Happy Birthday Nanor, do us all a favor and lay off the hard substances in celebration of making it this far :P


In Cryo Sleep
Happy Birthday amigo. Don't party too hard (seriously don't, usually people mean that sarcastically........ not me, your liver will hate you.)

Otherwise, Have a great day!

Ronin Storm

Staff member
So, how much you donating to THN? Hmm? Hmm?!


You saving that up for a car or Uni or something? Or just going to splash it all on booze?


Junior Administrator
Staff member
I'm thinking we should do something to Nanor at i37 now to celebrate the occasion...

Muh hahahaa!


Well-Known Member
I hope you mean for Nanor, Fury!

Now that I actually have some proper disposable income I'll see about finally getting my subscription to THN set up. Most of it's going for University. I think I'm gonna lay off the booze for a bit.


Junior Administrator
Staff member
Hoy, :)

ZOMG, you're half my age! :eek:

Er... that explains a few things, actually... ;)


Anyway, happy birthday, mate! :)



Happy Birthday Nanor!!!

I tried to post your present, however the post office refused to send a live baby in the mail, whats all that about :/!


Junior Administrator
It's nan-whore's birthday! Jeeez he's now legally allowed to get pissed, this could complicate things at i37 :p


New Member
holy shizzum!

Happy birthday mate! I'm sure all that spare cash will drag you to the bar soon enough :D


Well-Known Member
I've been away two days and look what I miss! Happy belated birthday mate, sounds like you had a larf or two :D