HOMM V official browser game


In Cryo Sleep
Well yes but of course alot more complex. This is a good summary that Thatbloke said about the series (if you dont mind me using it Thatbloke :D):

Heroes of Might and Magic is a turn-based strategy game where you have cities (or castles) from which you hire heroes to lead the monsters and other units you spawn from various buildings in your city. Each turn you can build a new improvement in your city (so you can upgrade your units or learn new spells or hire new units etc) and send your heroes with units to explore the landscape. There are various different objectives available, with the main one being capture all the opposing forces' castles.

The game features a very cool mix of combat and resource management... somthing I was never able to get right (and hence why after about 4 years of owning HOMM3 I STILL haven't managed to complete the campaigns).

I have had some epic battles in this game, as a powered-up hero with few troops and very powerful speels can be just as powerful as a new (underpowered) hero with loads of troops. The right spell at the right time can make all the difference!

It's a very good game and I have lost whole days to it!!!

Here is the official website

And heres a playable demo

If you play the demo dont worry, the full game wont be as hard.

As for me I am going to pre-order this as it brings back a lot of good memories from HOMM 3 :D