I'm putting this up as a request out to you server admins - there's a multiplayer version of X-COM called UFO2000 being developed freeware using existing X-COM graphics for the time being, and unfortunately they have lost their current game hosting server after a hardware fault.
The server was supposed to have been fixed nearly 20 days ago, but there's been no news since... suffice to say, the developers are getting antsy about the lack of a server, and the players are getting bored as heck.
UFO2000 homepage on Sourceforge
Stable/Beta, either is good, just so long as you make sure to keep moving with the updates to make sure nothing gets outdated. You'd really be doing these guys a favour (as it makes testing a lot easier ) by hosting a server, even if it's only for a week or three...
UFO2000 Forums - you may need to Register!
Get in touch with Serge for more.
The server was supposed to have been fixed nearly 20 days ago, but there's been no news since... suffice to say, the developers are getting antsy about the lack of a server, and the players are getting bored as heck.
UFO2000 homepage on Sourceforge
Stable/Beta, either is good, just so long as you make sure to keep moving with the updates to make sure nothing gets outdated. You'd really be doing these guys a favour (as it makes testing a lot easier ) by hosting a server, even if it's only for a week or three...
UFO2000 Forums - you may need to Register!
Get in touch with Serge for more.