House Party + Myspace =


Junior Administrator
poor girl got owned buy her supposed friends.
sucks to be her.
odd though as in uni ppl have house parties where 100 odd ppl will rack up have a good time not make that much mess and all is sorted the next day with no major problems. anyone who goes to someones house with the soul intention of wrecking it must be a very sad individual indeed.


Junior Administrator
Was listening to this story on the news all day yesterday. They reckon that someone had hacked into the girl's myspace account to advertise it...


Well-Known Member
You'd be surprised how many people in my school have had their Bebos and the like hacked.


Staff member
You'd be surprised how many people misuse the work "hack."

Edit: Incredibly relevant information! Note that phishing attacks are not considered [by me] to be "hacking" in the strictest sense, as they rely on tricking users rather than computers (usually referred to as social engineering.) The attack cited in that article, though, was a phishing attack made possible by some pretty terrible myspace code allowing a hack. Still, if the users are careful, they probably would've noticed something is up.