How Mainstream games butchered themselves


Well-Known Member
Fable III is a good example of mainstream gaming gone bad.

I mean I can barely bring myself to go back to it, as the minigames are all "press coloured buttons when I tell you to!" and the rest of the game is "hold down this button, now let it go!".

I don't think it could hold your hand any more if it tried.

Then there's occasionally some combat where you can actually try use some gaming skills.


Active Member
Heh, it's the total opposite of me actually! In FPSes I tend to reload every time one of my comrades gets killed (until I fail to save them X many times or it becomes obvious I can't save them!) and pay attention to the cut-scenes, I don't shoot walls either as that wastes ammo, though I might knife or crowbar them if things are getting *really* boring!

Though I must admit that I used to slaughter everyone I saw in older FPSes as I tended to forget not everyone was trying to kill me. . . .


Well-Known Member
I can see where this guy is coming from and let us not forget it takes a big man to admit that something is his fault. I mean at least he said sorry.

Most of the time i'm the 'game is an art form' kinda guy. Real snobby FPS critic who groans when the quick time event cliche hits and applauds originality and good story telling. But sometimes... screw that.

Seriously why the hell would you want to watch cutscenes in something like Halo? or gears of war? You know whats going to happen and the stories so bollocks who gives a flying fudge anyway. And killing your comrades doesnt matter because at the end of the day they are god damn useless.

If your game doesnt catch my interest in the first hour of playing then i'm just playing it to sate my lust for FPS, then i couldnt care at all about where your trying to direct my gaming experience or what point your trying to make about politics by letting me kill through 20+ levels of terrorists. Bored now. Lets blow stuff up.


Junior Administrator
One of the main developers for Bulletstorm wrote in to PCGamer to respond to the original article. This is a very interesting read and really opens your eyes to the kind of decisions that the developers have to make to try and please everyone.

Both sides of the debate make sense too. :)