How many of these can you spot?


Junior Administrator
Staff member
Hoy, :)

The Raid Leader - When you stand in the flames, he dies a little bit inside.


The Backbone - Plays a tank. Doesn't have much to say. Made an error once in SSC, or so you heard. Will disconnect when Gorefiend is at 30% and keep aggro while offline for the rest of the fight. Has never said anything negative to the healers. Ever. GL with your progression without one of these. Hates the prima donnas.

Also, he's scottish! :)

The Positive Officer - "That was great. Just great. You know, only 5% of guilds have even made it to Supremus, and getting him down to 67% on the second attempt is hawt."

ZOMG, that's me! :D



In Cryo Sleep
Ah ha ha!

The Healing Pallie
Hates healing and had to go holy to see endgame. If you raid with a boomkin, a feral druid, a fury warrior, a shadow priest, or any non-resto shaman, you are not getting a 10 minute blessing. Forget it. He hates you. God help you if he has a raid-viable alt in one of those classes; you're not even getting heals.

And a second Ha HA!
The Healing Officer
Has this job because, as the newest officer who plays a healer, he’s stuck with it.

Great stuffs! :D


In Cryo Sleep
Now that's awesome.

Just slightly worried how many of those categories I could fit into, being honest :S


Well-Known Member
Now that's awesome.

Just slightly worried how many of those categories I could fit into, being honest :S

Likewise... still reading it and mentally assigning people to categories.

I'm also trying to ignore the tanking gear in Ari's bags and the healer I'm levelling (Syri) so that I don't fit too comfortably into "The GM"...


New Member
The Easily Distracted Healer

He's been with the guild for as long as anyone remembers. He means well and when he's focused he heals well too, but is often the cause of a wipe when his attention is drawn away from the fight. He apologizes profusely but you think he may have forgotten his medication the morning of the raid.

Sounds about right, really...


In Cryo Sleep
After last night's naxx10 I'll claim this:

Mister Lucky Bastard

This is the guy who managed to be the only representative of his class that night for whatever reason and THAT'S the night every boss drops his class's loot. Usually followed by a marked dropoff in raid attendance afterwards. Most commonly a Rogue.

5 on-spec epics and 3 off-spec epics in a single raid... and sufficient emblems to buy another epic afterwards.

Yeah, loving it *grins*