How much of your favourite Energy Drink would kill you?


Well-Known Member
Bah, switching from US to EU reset the weight measurement units back to kg... so I ended up 2.2 times bigger than I really am (which is big enough to start with).

I wondered if something was amiss when I compared my number of cans to blokey...

"After 142.94 cans of Relentless, you'd be pushing up daisies."

There, fixed :)


New Member
What? No Powerthirst? Sacrilege!

But seriously, "You could drink 55.45 cans of Rockstar Juiced before croaking."


Junior Administrator
Staff member
Hoy, :)

"After 3912.10 glasses of Chocolate Milk, you'd be pushing up daisies..."



Well-Known Member
Well then based on what you gave me from 2 years ago (2 years?!) you weighed 17 stone. :p

Anyway, I can drink 203.26 cups of instant coffee before I explode.


In Cryo Sleep
So nanor is just over 12 stone? :p

Weight is all stupid, as its only if you know how tall they are that you can work out if theyre a fat load or not. Need to find another one based on how tall you are .... *-)